Letter to Immanuel #204 East Coast Beach and Korean Dinner with Eli

Saturday, March 02, 2019 0 Comments A+ a-

Hi Imm!

It had been sometime since we went to the beach... so we decided to make it one of the top priorities to go to the beach in Feb :) It is so awesome just to spend the day outdoors.. even for Mummy and Daddy, though sometimes all we wanted actually is to laze at home, but the sunlight always makes us feel better too!

We had a simple picnic with egg mayonaise sandwiches and brought along some sand toys...

Look at your cheeky face..

This is what you and Ko made .... a huge "castle"! Later on you also decorated it with some fruits we found nearby.. 

Eating your egg mayonaise sandwich.. Love the rosy look on your face :)

 Other times, we simply just go to the playground downstairs and nowadays both you and Ko like to go on the swing again :)

We also managed to have a nice korean dinner with Godpa, godma and Eli... it was just awesome because the indoor playground is just beside us... Also, you love your favourite korean beef :)

Monkeying around with Eli... it was just a very simple playground with lots of balls.. but with the right company, everything is fun!