Letter to Reiko #204 East Coast Beach and Korean dinner with Eli

Saturday, March 02, 2019 0 Comments A+ a-

Dear Ko,

Hurray! We managed to complete one of our tasks in Feb.. hanging out at the beach!! You and Kor just love to dig around in the sand...

Had a nice family outing and ate egg mayonaise sandwiches.. simple and filling... :)

You look so happy and contented here!

Look at what both of you made!!

With the help of Auntie Vika, She helped to gather some fruits to decorate the "castle" too :) Talk about being creative...

This pic is taken after your swimming classes.. Kor was helping you to comb your hair.. I found this soo sweet... 

Mummy also managed to spend sometime with you. We went to Novena church service together and later went to KFC to eat your favourite porridge... Nowadays, Ko-mi time is rarer as Daddy and Mummy gets busier.. We do enjoy family outings but sometimes, Mummy rather spend alone time with you jus to focus and enjoy more of this precious moments.

Yes and this is what you are gd at, something that Mummy cannot do well.. haha..

We also went to the downstairs playground again as you would request more for the swing these days..

We also managed to catch up with Uncle YY, Auntie Qin and Eli over Korean bbq dinner! It was simple and nice.. with the indoor playground just beside us..