Christmas Part 2 and End of The Year

Thursday, December 31, 2015 0 Comments A+ a-

To wrap up our Christmas celebrations, we went to the Snowplay area near our place again! This time both of them played pretty long there and Ko enjoyed herself much better with Imm around. He will say things like let us make a castle or ask "can you make the door with me?" and she will be more engaged. Definitely much more fun to be around! :)

Hello Mr Snowman!!!!!!!!!! :)

Ko is a real fan of gingerbread man so I asked if she could help gingerbread man put buttons on for his friend...

I prepared a number die...

And some nice buttons.

There you go gingerbread man!!

Another counting game using montessori counters.

For Language, we did this preposition book which I did sometime ago... do just for revision...

A finger training game to pick up the cotton balls....

Matching small to capital letters... A Christmas Lights theme...

For both of them, I took out some chalks and let them draw on the balcony floor since it could be washed away easily...

I guess this pretty much wrapped up what we did during the end of the year. To me, seeing my kids happy faces most of the time are the greatest blessings. Their innocence and joy truly rubbed off on me and I look forward to yet another year growing up with them and having fun.

Letter to Immanuel #51 You are Back!!

Wednesday, December 30, 2015 0 Comments A+ a-

Hi Imm!!

It is another late night. Mummy is super tired but I have drank my third coffee today so I can finish this letter to you. I can also write better at night, so I have to use the best time to write to you right? Hols are always super busy for me as I will always try to engage both of you:) It is an accomplished feeling but yea, I am BUSHED. Hehe. Anyway, the highlight of the week was that......................... you are back!!!!!!!!!!!!! YES!!!!!!!!!! After 3 weeks... Mummy really missed you and your non stop chattering but I got a little tired after a while, dun mind me... short attention span. Maybe you got it from me. ;)

You are really super duper happy to see Ko.. both of you ran to each other and I bet if you were strong enough, you can lift her off the feet and twirl round. It almost happened, just that both of you tumbled to the ground.. but there was no whining that it was painful, you and Ko just laughed it off and was smiling happily at each other. To me, both of you are best companions, friends, playmates, enemies but always loving and caring towards each other, which was what Daddy and I had tried to cultivate in both of you since young... to always be thoughtful to each other.

On the very day, we didn't venture too far, just in case you, ma-ma or gong-gong were tired. So we went to our favourite indoor playground again... Paddocks. Both of you built a house with the soft blocks around yourselves and just sat there....

And "slept" there. We came here once with just Ko but she didn't have much fun or played very long.. simply because you weren't around.

Below was Mummy's Christmas present for you.. a lego set consisting of a fire station and rescue helicopter. I realised that you could actually follow the diagram and do the lego now. You just needed help in finding the pieces at times. Daddy says you have good perception and you enjoyed doing the Christmas theme lego that me and Daddy did halfway. Which was the advanced one for above 10 years of age. Truly a boys' thing. :)

Before you came, Mummy prepared my gifts in the Christmas stocking and put your ginormous kinder surprise there with Ko's one!

Before I forget, today you asked so many questions when we were watching the Twilight saga show. Like which is the vampire? which is the bad person? How come the girl got nightmares etc. 101 questions................... Daddy then sat further away because he wanted to focus on listening to the conversation on TV. Hehe. Look how inquisitive our boy has become!

Letter to Reiko #51 Our Little Christmas Celebration

Tuesday, December 29, 2015 0 Comments A+ a-

Hi Ko!!

One of your highlights of this week is probably.. no is certainly Imm's arrival!! Both of you had been separated for 3 weeks as he had chicken pox when we were back in Spore. You were pretty lost everyday, with no one to guide you in playing the toys (either correctly or wrongly) and it probably feels weird that you have ALL the toys to yourself and that there is no one in cahoots with you asking for sweets etc.

Upon Imm's arrival, both of you hugged each other or in fact, toppled over each other that it was pretty funny. On the same day, we went to Paddocks with Ma-ma and gong-gong and when Imm was at the playground, a younger boy accidentally hit him and he cried. You wrapped your arms protectively around him and shouted at the boy, "No! Cannot!" At another time, you told another kid, "Not your Imm Imm! Is my Imm Imm!" That was when Mummy thought you were like the older sister instead!! You could stand up against others in your loud fierce voice despite your small size, hehe!

Let us go back to the previous few days when Mummy and Daddy brought you for a little staycation on Christmas Day.... We actually had no particular plan in mind though Mummy highlighted a few places that we could go. We only wanted to drive to the West, near Langebaan. We saw this pretty nice and cosy hotel: The Farmhouse Hotel, which had a nice Christmas Lunch and stopped there. However the food was just average but you really loved the turkey there! In fact, it was like the only thing you took more than 2 bites...

Just the 3 of us!

It also had a very nice playground and you enjoyed the slide and the swing.

For breakfast, we went to the Farmyard Stall, what a hearty Old Macdonald Breakfast right?

Now, some little snippets in no particular order: 
The week before, Mummy brought you to play with snow at the Snow City they set up in Canal Walk. You weren't that interested as there was no Imm. I always thought games and toys lasts longer when there are more kids. :)

We had some water play previously also and you enjoyed playing with Aiden. :) This time, you guys played more instead of fighting with each other. Must be the age thing.

Our little Christmas Project was to do lego!! But we couldn't resist posing and having some fun whilst taking a break,

We made some cupcakes for Jesus Birthday and you sang a birthday song.

Last of all, I really had to take a pic of you with these coins I bought from Amazon because you played with it almost everyday and some will just drop all over the place. But it really kept you occupied as you enjoyed scooping into plates from your little kitchen and preparing meals for us. :)

The Last Christmas In Cape Town Part 1

Tuesday, December 29, 2015 0 Comments A+ a-

To me, Christmas always held a special place in my heart and I would say the same thing every year. These few years have been more special as we are away from home in Singapore. Since we are away from family and friends, which made a big part of the celebration, I tried to put in more effort to bring the meaning closer to the kids. Last year, me and Imm made gingerbread man together. Having a bigger space and more time as a SAHM truly made a huge difference and I am glad I am able to sneak in some precious memories in their growing up years. I am sure parents will always try their best to bring big smiles upon their kids' little faces and sometimes, we do that through grand celebrations or big sparkly presents which I try to avoid. I struggle with wanting to make them happy but in the simplest way possible... thus experiences like making the gingerbread man = bonding time. And this year, it was snow play and reading stories to Ko since Imm was not here yet. We also put up a Christmas tree with simple deco. Ko really enjoyed seeing the beautiful lights and would often ask if she could switch it on during the day.

We read stories together just to bring Jesus a little closer.... and she even sang a birthday song loudly in church during Christmas Day Mass. We gave embarrassing smiles to those who heard but was secretly proud of our little girl with the big voice.

This was a nice book with pop up pictures. I bought it some years back and it was a good accompaniment on every Christmas.

Since it is summer time here, I brought Ko to the the nearby shopping mall where there was a snow event for some fun. She was so scared at first because it was dark and they had some music which she was not familiar with. It surprised me because I brought her last year too and she was fine. I started digging snow first and she followed me after a while. :)

She also tried her hand at the slide! But didn't want to continue after 2 tries. Guess it was pretty fast.

We went there with my helper's kid and they were just dancing! Such innocent joy!

On another day, we went to the pool for some splashing good time. It is the school holidays and I try to occupy her with some outdoor time as her big brother is not around to disturb her, hee...

She didn't really dare to go inside the water actually and would bend forward to fill her bucket. Sometimes I was afraid she would plunge headfirst into the pool.... parents and their worries, oh well.

Anyway, it was indeed great fun spending time together and sharing about Christmas with Ko. This year, I spend more one-to-one time with her, which I never had with Imm around. Thus, it was a little teeny bit more special. Though I also missed Imm, it is also a special pre Christmas bonding time with my little girl....

Letter to Immanuel #50 Still Missing You!!

Monday, December 21, 2015 0 Comments A+ a-

Hi Imm, this is mummy's #50 letter to you!!

Recalling back our very first letter....

5th Sep 2014
Hi Imm Imm!

Mummy is going to start writing to u so that u can have fond memories of your childhood :)

U recently turned 3 years old and celebrated your birthday in Cape Town! U chose a blue car cake for yourself...

U have started being more of a good boy lately but is still naughty.. like today u went to open a snack packet and ate it secretly in the room. Daddy saw it and punished u by standing in the naughty corner..

Today we read the chn book "wu gui" - tortoise, Jack and the Beanstalk story. We prayed and imm thank God for spicy rice and spicy noodles.. ur favourites!


Nice right? Mummy, Daddy and Ko really miss you a lot. Sometimes Mummy will shout out to Daddy, "I miss Imm Imm!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Hehe.... though you really keep us on our toes (and fingers) when you force us to play with your transformers and ninja turtles which can transform, we miss the busyness (Daddy will beg to differ) and the joy you bring :)

We skype you everyday!! and You will share with us what you eat and what you do.:) You seemed to have recovered well... less spots....

Waiting for you to be back!! :) 

Letter to Reiko #50 Spending Quality time with Our Girl

Monday, December 21, 2015 0 Comments A+ a-

Hi Ko!!

This was one of the most recent pictures of you... 2 days ago!! It was at Van Loveren Family Vineyard. It is pretty nice as it has sand play, ball play and playground... Mummy was supposed to write this letter to you last week... #50 to be exact... it is like a milestone... started from Sep last year. There were some weeks in which I missed, like if we went back to Spore..... but I have always tried my best to keep our updates :) I simply will miss your growing up days :) Though you are always growing, but I felt each moment even more precious than before. Despite being busy.... yes very... because we are probably moving again..... out of Cape Town... we will probably be back in Singapore,  thus Mummy hope I can still keep my updates......

We had a picnic last Wed as it was Reconcillation Day, a public holiday here. We went to Noordhoek Circle... it was like we are in the wild! And there were horses around, really nice! :)

Mummy asked you to "twice!"

Mummy made some chicken stew in the morning and you love the... well.. rice! :P

Mummy also super enjoy myself and our wine that we brought along!

This was at Villera at Stellenbosch, nougat and wine tasting! You were happily munching on the nougat

Yesterday we went to Cape Town Fishmarket at Waterfront for our lunch.. you were happily playing with your stickies while you waited for your food.

"Mummy, I am here!!"

I will probably write another letter to you this week because it is the school hols and we have plenty to play and do at home!! :)

Leaving our "Chicken Pops" child behind

Wednesday, December 16, 2015 0 Comments A+ a-

This is Daddified reporting in, after several weeks of absence.

One of the reasons why I am able to write is because one of our kids is stuck in Singapore. The house is a little quieter. Mummified and Daddified are both less stressed.

As you can see above, even Koko is bored stiff without her Kor Kor Imm Imm around. No more screaming, snatching of toys or persistent whining.

Well, you see. We had left our child behind. Unwillingly, that is. In case you cannot tell.

Imm was struck by bad case of "chicken pops" so to speak, in Imm-speak. Despite our best efforts to quarantine both kids, Imm caught it from Koko (who in turn caught it from her class where only 5 children DIDN'T get it and the school did not tell us).

As the father, I have the benefit of posting the most unglam pictures of our kids. The 2 photos posted below is a comparison of how affected both Imm and Ko are by chicken pox.

For Ko, chicken pox wasn't anything special. She went about her days the usual, with the occasional crankiness. It also cleared up fast within a week, leaving only just one obvious mark on her forehead, which I think will clear up as she grows.

Imm on the other hand, was struck with 2 days of fever, incessant complains of pain and itchiness. I guess being in humid Singapore didn't help. His spots were a lot more numerous. Smuggling him on the plane back to Cape Town was out of the question. I mean.. it was always out of the question, heh, if you have chicken pox. (NB on a more serious note: You need a doctor to clear you for flying if you have a bout of pox to ensure it is not contagious.)

One common thing both of them had was that they wore "chicken pops" like a badge, showing off to everyone who asked. (Again with this, sure cannot bring on the plane one).

We call Imm every day to make sure he is ok. He is thrilled to Facetime us but otherwise, there is this nagging suspicion he likes it back at grandma's place than being with us. Life is a little different without that boy around. Even as he is a prick sometimes, we do miss him sorely and talk about him all the time. In the meantime, we console ourselves and try to take advantage of this as a break, before all hell breaks lose again when we see him end Dec.