Letter to Immanuel #70 Our Playeum Date with Playmates and Our Secret Cake

Thursday, May 19, 2016 0 Comments A+ a-

Hiiee Imm!!

My strong boy!! Hehe... this is a picture of you at Playeum. I am glad we managed to come together with Aunt Isa and Aunt Ade... we actually arranged the week before but Aunt Isa cannot and Aunt Ade also cannot at the last min... Usually I don't like to change plans and try to stick to it since I promised you our outing but that week, I decided to postpone one time so we could all go together! :) And I am glad we did! There you are holding the heaviest watering can and playing your part to take care of nature.... (hope it is not drowing in love) :)

"Wa!" Ko was trying to create her masterpiece to make a little house for the insects using petals, dried leaves etc.

This place was actually totally dark. We had to help the spider to make its web.

You also liked this cave very much as it is a secluded corner for you to make your transformer cave.

You also enjoyed making a mini tent with Uncle Yang. He taught you how to tie! But Mummy forgot to take a pic of you and him.

Aunt Isa also did together with you!

And you also played a game with Ko: She would crawl inside and you would move it away... gee....

 My little entomologist.

It's a bug hotel! How nice...:)

A pic with Mummy!

That day was a fruitful day as we also went baking. You wanted to go after seeing the pics of me and ko baking and I know how much you would love it. So despite feeling super tired from our Playeum, Mummy brought you along for baking. There were soooooooo many people during this session, unlike the first 2 sessions that I went with Ko. The recipe was a little harder and I am glad I went with you, hahah... more challenging! It was a hidden heart loaf recipe.. means the heart shape is hidden inside the cake. For starters, Mummy had wanted to try this but did not have the time to do so.. now I finally know! We had to bake a thin layer first and use a cutter to cut out the heart shapes... but before we could do that, you started to nibble...

So now the heart shapes are ready and we had to put inside the batter.

After arranging the heart shapes in a row, we covered with the rest of the batter before putting it into the oven to bake again...............Still eating!

Time to sprinkle some icing sugar.


To summarise our baking experience again..:)

Mummy really loves spending time with you and doing little activities together. This week, you seemed to have mellowed a little and have less tantrums. Thank you boy. And you were more ok with me leaving the bedroom after ten minutes of accompanying you and not till you fall asleep... Mummy is always so impatient with that because I also craved for my me time. It can be really tiring handling both of you in the evenings. Thank you boy for trying and still working hard to get your points after 1 mth. So far this is the most successful reward chart cos we are working towards your second reward after getting your first tobot and I know you want your scooter next. Sometimes Mummy compare you with other kids cos you can be quite difficult when you are in your moods but you can be the sweetest boy too, always thinking for me and telling me you do something yourself so Mummy will not be tired. Thank you for thinking of me. When I look at older boys, they seemed to have lost their innocence and I wish you will always have such a sweet heart even when you are older. But for now, I will always put building of memories as my first priority. In a way, it reminds me of scaffolding. The memories will act as a base and foundation to create the relationship. One day these memories are over but our "building" will remind us of the hard work we have put in each day to live our lives out in our relationship.