Letter to Immanuel #105 Avengers Exhibition and at Taekwando

Saturday, January 28, 2017 0 Comments A+ a-

Hi Imm!!!!

Daddy finally managed to bring you to the Avengers Exhibition!! Initially when Mummy bought it, I really wanted to go with you. Yet on second thoughts, I thought that it would be better if Daddy can go as he can appreciate more... hehe... yes, you were really happy! But Daddy said it would be better for older ages... well is always a bonding time I guess... :)

Using your power... I thought it was cool that it could detect your actions and show you on the screen...

Oh Yes! I think you really like trying out the Hulkbuster experience which you put on Iron Man's suit i augmented reality to bust villians... Daddy showed me the video... hehe.... it was quite funny...

Captain America's Harley Davidson

Daddy and Mummy managed to have dinner together by ourselves! 

At your Taekwando.... hm seemed like you don't really like Taekwando because you would tell me you do not want to go... Mummy has been letting you join for about 8 sessions.... and you prefer art much more... Mummy hoped that you could become stronger physically as I would rather you move more rather than sit and play with ipad.... But if you like art still, we will see how ya :) I actually thought that in this video, you followed instructions really well! Somehow I wanted to strengthen traits like peserverance, discipline etc...

Sending Daddy off at the airport... aiya, forgot to take a picture together... I took this cos you told me to take and then send it to Daddy, yes you are always funny like this. :)

Letter to Reiko #105 Play, Kisses and Rewards

Wednesday, January 25, 2017 0 Comments A+ a-

Hi Ko!

This is you on the way back from ballet... you and your little pony. Nowadays you will start asking mummy for toys. Perhaps it is mummy's fault also.. because I always believe in tangible rewards for myself.. oh dear. And I would do the same for Imm.. motivating him by adding points when he do a certain piece of work, that would add to a reward. I don't know how else to do it, probably because I don't know how else to do it and it works best for myself. But I would keep telling myself that I need to be moderate and the focus is to teach the right values. which is why I don't calculate all the time and give praises and kisses as rewards. :) Mummy also feel bad that I reward Kor but not you.. so I did a reward chart for you today too, to pace you... hehe... :)

This is during your ballet class! Mummy doesn't go inside but will just look from outside the tv.... You are sitting right beside teacher.. Mummy sees that you really enjoy dancing... I am glad you have something to be passionate about and express yourself. I hope to find more avenues for you to be able to be proud of yourself. :) I see you being very serious and always trying your best....

Daddy and I brought you and Kor to swim. Alas, it started raining on Sat evening... you were so disappointed.. and it showed all on your face. But as soon as Daddy tickles and play with you, you are all right. :)

Mummy and Daddy also had our own time... dinner together.. it is important to spend time together as a couple too... :)

Before sending Daddy at the airport.. Godpa, Godma also came along with Sophia Mei mei... you would want to try to hold her hand.... Now you are a big jie jie already!

And there is this ginormous pikachu here at the airport!!!

 One thing you love recently... being on the train.. we seldom take the east west line which can see the outside... so you were really happy to just stare outside. Mummy was also thinking that you are such a big girl now....

Mummy is happy knowing that you are growing in the best way possible and I would continually try my best to nurture you and teach you about life the best way that I can.... love you Koko!! :)

Letter to Immanuel #104 Uncle Charles Wedding

Friday, January 20, 2017 0 Comments A+ a-

Hi Imm!

Congrats to Uncle Charles who got married last weekend! Look at his happy face in church! Uncle Charles is Daddy's buddy.... and Daddy was soooooooooooo happy! :) Wishing them a blissful marriage!

This was the wedding dinner at Peony Jade with Sophia Mei Mei! She has sure grown quite a bit and can recognise mummy a little now! Peony Jade is also the place where Daddy and Mummy got married at..

The happy couple!

Mummy also baked some brownies over the weekend.. you sure love to eat the chocolate chips! You are such a chocolate lover... :) 

Look at half the amount of flashcards from India that Daddy brought back.. all these were made because you didn't know certain concepts.. hehe.. like counting from 1-100, counting in 2s.. and lots of other Science topics... currently, you are reading Mummy's old encycloepedias "My child's first library of learning" and make Popo read to you... I realise you really love Science! I hope your curiosity continues because there is so many things to learn about the world. :)

Anyway what happened to you and Ko? How come both of you keep fighting these days? Nowadays you don't want to read books together with her any longer.. and she would complain to me and vice versa. Mummy is sooo tired to hear about your fights daily after I come back from work... haaa.. hope both of you will stay close and love each other all over again ya. :)

Letter to Reiko #104 Uncle Charles wedding!

Friday, January 20, 2017 0 Comments A+ a-

Hi Ko,

I guess the highlight of the weekend was Uncle Charles wedding! Now he is happily married to Auntie Kirsten... looking forward to many gatherings together :) Both you and Kor didn't come for the wedding dinner cos we thought that you would be very bored by it.. hehe.. anyway this place - Peony Jade sure brought back lots of memories because Mummy and Daddy got married here!

Who is this? Sophia Mei mei! Now she can recognise mummy a little.. hehe

Uncle Charles happy face at wedding mass!

What else did mummy do this week? Making brownies! Hee... though one mistake that mummy made was not letting the chocolate chips melt first.. ahha.. but it was still nice and you really like it!

This was 1/2 of the amount of flashcards that Daddy brought back from India... haa.. wow Mummy sure didn't know that I made so many.. now giving to Auntie Isabel to keep till we need it in future if you ever have a didi or mei mei...

Anyway these days, you know what your favourite words are?? Esp when Mummy scolded you, you would say "you never protect me....." You said it many times this week... it was quite funny but also kinda sad the way you said it.... Mummy will always protect you ok? :) When I scold you it is to make you stronger so you can protect others in future... hehee..

Letter to Immanuel #103 Happy Birthday to Popo, 2nd week of Sch

Tuesday, January 17, 2017 0 Comments A+ a-

Hi Imm!!

We sure had happy occasions this week! :) Last week, we celebrated Popo's birthday at a Thai restaurant near our place... both you and Ko were really happy and played with your toys. I guess not being in a restaurant in a mall helps.. not so crowded and we could be at ease. Of cos you made Popo's day too :)

All of us!

Having our cake and eating it at home...

You have a lovely smile when you pose! But you don't like to pose all the time.....

A pic of both of you on the second week of sch! You just ate chocolate bun so your teeth was brown.. haha.. you could eat that almost everyday and since now we have nutella as Mummy made nutella pods.. you were crazy about nutella again like before... gee... mummy is trying to help you to "abstain" as you can eat something everyday when you like it... gosh!!

Letter to Reiko #103 Happy Birthday to Popo

Tuesday, January 17, 2017 0 Comments A+ a-

Hi Ko!!

This month is indeed a happy month! A series of celebrations... we celebrated Popo's birthday last week... at this Thai resaurant near our place.... a simple and small one just about feasting, and of cos Popo like to spend time with both of you.. though she can be up to the neck with both of you at times, esp when Mummy is working. Both of you and Kor like to bully her.. hrumph.. and mummy has to come back to discipline you at times.. 

Just the 3 of us!!

Happy faces!!

Mummy realised I did not take any photo of your first week at school.. so here it is! I also realised that you have grown more chubby lately... hehe... you normally eat well and Mummy don't have to worry much about you... still picky though! Your face looks bigger than Kor in this pic!

Mummy has made it my new year resolution to make sure you can read this year! You are getting good at reading and building "at" "ag" words.

Let us continue to work hard and play hard together this year! :)

Letter to Reiko #102 Outings and Creativities to Unleash the New Year

Monday, January 09, 2017 0 Comments A+ a-

Hi dear Ko!!

What did we do on the first day of the year?  We went to Takashimaya at Orchard. Mummy saw that there was a performance and decided to just go out together... and lo and behold.. you always so love shopping. What Mummy is always angry (or pretend to be) is that there are always things you would want to buy. You will keep asking for this and that, esp cute looking things.. hehe... Mummy just bought a strawberry yoghurt drink for you in this pic... Anyway Ko, you are turning 4 this year and Mummy is ever so amazed at how good you are in talking.... we are always so amused but when you are outside, you would hardly talk to anyone who talks to you, which is also gd in a way since you are a girl... mummy loves the stubborn fierce side of you secretly... you so have "character" .:)

Out with Popo and Auntie Yantin!!

What else did we do? We made gingerbread man cookies! Just because Mummy didn't have time during Christmas.. but I already bought all the ingredients actually! Nevermind! you still enjoyed making them and that was what's important!

We also made a terrarium together.. it was so much fun....

 Scooping the different layers of sand and pebbles in... actually Mummy would just pour in myself but I would want to let you scoop just for the fun of it.. and it is time consuming of cos. With both of you, I learn to take life slowly and just enjoy the moment :)

We sprayed water on the different layers so they would be moist.

A side view of it.

Tada! The finished product!

Mummy looks forward to more bonding time, doing such activities of creativity and outdoors.. I so love doing these... I only pray for more energy.... thats why Mummy has often been praying during our daily sessions, that Mummy can have energy and be able to have to wisdom to strike the balance so I can give my best to you and Kor... :) And Daddy will probably be back by this year too! Yay!

Letter to Immanuel #102 Making a Terrarium and Ginger Cookies

Monday, January 09, 2017 0 Comments A+ a-

Hi My dear Imm!! It has been a week since the year started.... :) And this year you are turning 6! I guess what really struck me was that you are going to Primary 1 next year... I saw Auntie Joan's photo of Darryl.. of him attending SJI and I was thinking I would probably cry my heart out next year.. seeing how much you have grown :) Mummy hopes this year I can continue inculcating good values in you... do you know that many times in my heart, I am thinking what a sweet boy you are?:) You are smart in the way that you know what we would expect how you would behave and would tell us "you did so and so", expecting us to praise you. You do funny things, like react how a Magicarp flips (like an almost dead fish) in the Pokemon game and do funny Gangnam styles. You are funny in your own quiet way. And I have also mentioned how you would tell me "Mummy, I love you, have a good day at work" daily before you go to sch etc. All these makes me swell with pride on knowing how much we have tried to make all these a part of you... loving and having gd values. Right now, Mummy is working on your confidence.. therefore Taekwando.. hoping you would be "louder" :) Anyway this was a pic of us on the 2nd day of the year... doing a terrarium. You spent yesterday at ma-ma house and I brought Ko out. I thought this day, we would just spend a family day at home, having bubble baths, making cookes and doing this art and craft. :) Furthermore, you always wanted to "grow" things these days!

Laying the papers and cutting the wrappings...

Scooping the sand in with Ko and spraying water inside.

Ko also enjoyed doing it very much... haha...

side view... we added the rabbit and the mushroom.

Actually the Chia seeds and wheatgrass seeds starting growing when I am writing this blog now... I shall take a pic of it for my next post! Hopefully our family life will continue to blossom in a lovely environment like these seeds. haa... trying to make an analogy on the beginning of the year :)

 Guess what!!! Mummy also made gingerbread man and other shapes... purely because I got all the ingredients but didn't have time during Christmas... wahhahaa... anyway both of you and Ko do like! And both of you would eat the legs first so gingerbread man cannot run away! :P My emphasis for this year is to have more energy for more bonding time with both of you. :)