Letter to Reiko #42 Weekend of Fun and With High Commissioner

Tuesday, October 06, 2015 0 Comments A+ a-

Hi Ko!

This week was a rather happening weekend! We went to attend your friend's (Codi) party. This was your first party so Mummy was actually pretty excited too! And just in time to wear the dress that was a hand me down. Mummy thinks that you looked so cute in this Minnie Mouse dress. Sometimes, it is just so fun to dress you up!! :)

You were playing around in Funky Frogs which was at Tyger Valley. ACTUALLY it was pretty embarrassing because we went to the party (was about 20 mins late after trying to find the place), only to realise that the cake was cut and the kids were all playing around the place (half were your classmates and half were just walk in). Mummy passed the present to Codi's Mummy but didn't exactly know who was Codi, as there were several girls decked out in pretty outfits ( I was also too embarrassed to ask, haha) and there are 30 kids in your class, sheesh! Oh well, this is so unlike the Singaporean way when the cake was cut near to the end when most of the people would have been there. Anyway you still had fun in the play area! We played only for an hour before we had our lunch date with the High Comm.

Then we had our lunch at Neethlingshof Estate with the High Commissioner, who came for a visit.

At night, we went to Damhuisie, a beach restaurant. You really like hake and chips!! You would be happily feasting. We were there with our Singaporeans group. It was actually quite difficult having meals in a big group as food will take long; you would be restless and keep sticking to me. Had to occupy you with sticker books and could not mingle around much.

Your favourite jie jie to play with!! Kassandra.

The next day, we went to Eden by the Bay where we ate at Inside Restaurant. You did colouring with Mummy whilst waiting for the food.

We originally wanted to spend the day at the beach but it was rainy, so we hopped over to our favourite indoor playground at Paddocks. Imm was playing with this twin boys whilst you were just running around having fun. :) 

We came back and did sandart together!

You were a bit reluctant to go to school this week, probably because we just came back from Singapore. But also because your favourite Teacher Janice left. She was around for only 3 months for attachment but you are so close to her. You would only say bye to her when you leave and not to the other two teachers. Hope you will be ok this week! :)