Letter to Reiko #38 The Animal Lover

Wednesday, September 02, 2015 0 Comments A+ a-

Dear Reiko,

You have been much more mischieveous nowadays! We went to Vredenhof Organic Estate over the weekend and you just simply refused to get down from the see saw after you found out how it works. Your next favourite apart from the swing!

You loved it here, up in the tower.... as well as sliding down the different slides but the slides here were a little more slippery and you were scared.

You ate your duck pasta very nicely here... however, not so nicely at home these days. You will not complete your food like before. Now no more empty bowl... :(

Here is the Two Oceans Aquarium which we went to  over the weekend too.. This was the play area at the restaurant. Nice and simple.

You love the vast amount of fish and will stare at the fish longingly..

By this time when we went to this penguins enclosure, you were pretty cranky as you did not have your nap. However, you were still very excited to hear the penguins making funny noises and would still squeal with joy. I guess the animal lover in you still feel so happy even though you were tired.

Some counting games we did during the week! Mummy is trying to teach you your phonics and counting these days... hehe... trying to spend more time with you also cos Mummy always spend more time teaching Kor... now it is time to infuse teaching you information and good values. :)