Safari and Alpacas Time!!

Tuesday, September 15, 2015 0 Comments A+ a-

 It has been a super busy yet fun week when my cousin and her husband were here. We managed to find time to go to the Safari together. This was the kids' third time at the Safari! I always enjoyed this animal therapy and to be among them. Imm loves to pet and feed animals more than just seeing them at a distance. Though it was a short distance from the vehicle at times, we were not supposed to touch them. Ko was the one who enjoyed seeing the Safari more. When she was 18 months old, she would already say bye to the hippos, elephants etc while Imm was just not so interested. 

We went to the Garden Route Safari, which was about 4-5 hours drive from our place.

This was taken near our family lodge. My cousin stayed at the hut nearby which had even greater views.

The giraffe just looks so good with the scenic view behind... what amazed me most about the giraffes was that they could clean their ears with their tongues. 

Elephants can make three types of sounds! Trumpets, roars or infrasonic calls for long distance communication.

The Elands.

The lion and His Lionesses

King of the Safari!

Here are the Springbok, the National Animal of South Africa. They looked so agile and graceful.

When I think of zebras, I think of serenity...

Here was a plant in which you could pull and it could become 4-5 pieces. Looks like a set of paintbrush... It was used in the olden days by the African tribes for painting.

Have enclosed the field guide as well!

Nearby to our lodges was the Reptile Park in which we saw crocodiles and snakes.

On our way back from Safari, we went to Alpaca Lodge. This was the type that Imm enjoyed more definitely because he could touch the animals. It reinforced my belief that he is indeed a tactile boy.

Many of them were just staring at us as we observed them. I wondered who were the ones being looked at...

It is funny how the alpacas will stuff their whole heads inside to eat the food - mainly of oats and grains.

They could actually pranced around pretty fast and kick with the hind legs when the owner tries to catch them. What amazed me was when the owner made a sound, all of them would gather in a herd and follow him.

When we asked the owner how he would know if the female alpaca is pregnant (since they are bred intentionally), he said that if the females spat at the males for next different occasions when they are put together, the chance is high that she is pregnant and they would be checked by the vet later on.

When we got home, Imm coloured the Safari pics with my cousin.

Guess which was the one my cousin coloured? Imm tried to imitate and focused for a long time. He is certainly into colouring these days. In fact, he was colouring when we were on the vehicle at the Safari while viewing the animals, which made us kinda pissed.

Well, one snapshot of the tiring parenting journey literally. It was more difficult when the kids did not sit in the car seats when we have visitors, since there was no space. 

However, we truly enjoyed this session bonding with different animals... :) I guessed that is one of the attractions here in Cape Town for me.