Recognition of Animal Words In Chinese

Monday, September 14, 2015 0 Comments A+ a-

I have always believed that children learn much better when they are engaged doing a practical activity, which is why I would rack my brains to engage them this way, no matter how lame the method is. And it also helps me to develop my silly side. :) I wanted to introduce the recognition of these words in Chinese. I started with the ones that were easy to write : 羊,牛 as the strokes were the least. For the sheep, I printed a picture of the sheep and laminated it. Then I pasted a piece of soft laminating paper over it and gave Imm some cotton balls to paste on the sheep so that it looks like wool.

For the cow, I printed 2 pictures of the cow and used a cardboard paper to put in the middle of the two pictures for support. I then made a hole in the cardboard and put a pacifier through it so that he could "milk" the cow and understand that cows produced the milk that we drink.

The pacifier was supposed to be the "teat". The kids were super amused by it.

At the end of it all, I revised again by putting the word next to the pictures.

Next, I focused on 鸟 and 鱼. And this time was more art and craft session using the paper plates. I will usually print out a picture of what I wanted them to do, to let them have an idea.

This was what I prepared:
1) Some buttons
2) Foam paper (if you wanted to add a beak)
3) 2 paper plates in which I pasted 2 colours of construction paper and cut them out according to the shape of the paper plates (see below)
4) Glue
5) 2 colours of feathers
5) Eyes

We used the buttons to paste on one side. I poked holes at the end to allow them to insert the feathers.

It was a fast job as I had to help with 2 kids. Nothing complicated. I didn't add the beak for this but used the foam paper for the fish instead.

Check out Imm's wry look! Hahaha.. "Mummy is asking me to pose again."

Next, we did which was even easier. I asked them to paint their favorite color using powder paint and they pasted the foam that I had cut out (which was the fins and tail). We then pasted the eye and drew the mouth. A pic with 表姨!

Next is the writing!