Packing Up - Let's Go!!

Thursday, September 17, 2015 0 Comments A+ a-

This is a post on little trivia. We are off to Singapore for a week... I don't know if I have time to blog because there will be lots of errands to run and friends to catch up with. I really miss my friends and own Mummy's time in a way. However, I still made sure I did these few things before we leave for hot sunny (hazy) Singapore.

1) Made Barley Drink twice this week
2) Making sure we eat more veg
3) Me and hub take Cod Liver Oil
4) Packing my Essential Oils

These are sample sizes... perfect for being on the flight.

5) Packing colouring activity for the plane trip ( it is always for the kids)

We also prepared gifts for Imm's previous class teachers as he has moved on to the yellow class. Only he and another friend moved on as the teacher said he could do slightly more advanced things than his classmates. It surprised me that they will move students periodically for their advancement. He really missed his teachers and classmates but is adapting well to it. We took the sand art that he had done previously and wrote notes behind. I wanted to convey that we should always show gratitude especially to the teachers (since I was one before, hehe! :P)

I prepared a smoothie jar/cup for each of the 3 teachers.

These days I have been doing more maths with Imm. We start to count in 2s and 5s together.

They are enjoying their puzzle together. Such a relief as Daddy came back late that day and I had no help.