Letter to Immanuel #39 School Concert Performance and Enjoying Yourself With Visitors!!

Wednesday, September 09, 2015 0 Comments A+ a-

Hello Imm! You are beginning to read and make words so much more so Mummy started doing more with you. You are much more receptive.. last time you will run away when Mummy take out my letter board, now you will come and say you wanna make "oo" words or "ee" words. You read by inferring and looking at pictures. Good job! We also read simple chinese words on flashcards almost daily cos you can't seem to remember certain words.. got to keep at it!! hehe... 

Daddy was not around most of the time last week and you clung on to me like Koko. You always enjoy making Koko irritated... gee... haha, I think we will all look back and think it is very funny (I hope) :P

You enjoyed the postman game and puzzle that Mummy prepared for you last week too!

Who came? Mummy's cousin, Auntie Huiwen!! You really like her and Uncle Guo An.

One VERY VERY VERY significant event last week was that you performed at your school concert. This was so much better than the "Children's Workshop" by Montessori. The sounds effects were great and so much grander at "His People Church" in N1 city. We were not able to go for the rehearsals because Daddy was away and Mummy was worried that you would not be used to the stage and be a statue again like in your last year concert. We looked forward eagerly to seeing you on stage. I can say that you amazed Daddy and Mummy and blew us away because you danced and moved nicely for the two performances! Mummy almost (also) teared because there is so much difference in one year for my boy... he is now confident and fearless.. comfortable on stage. :) You did Zorba and Kungfu fighting... Green Class!

Mummy did not take any photos as it was strictly no photos and video so I just took of the pamphlet.. I could not wait to get the DVD and photos of you.

Over the weekend, we went to places like Stellenbosch - Root 44 with our visitors!

You wanted so badly to feed the giraffe at Giraffe House but it was just not interested in eating. You kept calling it and held a stalk of grass. You were exhilarated when it ate your grass! :)

Some cute pictures of you, hehehe.

Ostrich Farm! The two heaviest people are on one side.. hm..

Your favourite Uncle Guo An!! You liked him so much and wanted him to sit beside you in the car. Last week, when you poo finish, you called "I am finished! Uncle Guo---- An" - indicating you wanted him to clean your butt... he climbed up the ranks to a Mummy Daddy rank in a day!!! Hahha.... And you had difficulty saying his name at first knowing how you Chinese is... hehe.. but nowadays you can call effortlessly! :)