Letter to Reiko #40 Enjoying the Animal Bonding Session

Tuesday, September 15, 2015 0 Comments A+ a-

Hi Ko!!

We went to the Safari last week and you really loved it! When Mummy asked you recently which animals you saw, you told me that there was rhinoceros, elephants, lions etc. When you saw the animals, you would say "my favourite rhinoceros" etc. Even when some animals were a distance away, you could spot them with your razor sharp eyes. You would wave and say bye to them after.

This was our lunch place Trecidi during our break whilst driving to the Safari. A shot with Auntie Huiwen!

There was this little toy corner as well and you and Imm would just explore the toys.

Near our family lodge at the Safari.

This was you and Kor posing at the restaurant.

You and your favourite swing at the playground. You would always say "my favourite swing!" and run towards there. Some playgrounds have no swings unfortunately and you would ask everytime, "where is my swing?"

This is such a cute shot! You kind of reminded me of Imm as you are wearing his old sweater... hehe

We learnt about this animal - the alpaca,when we went back from the Safari. You love to stroke it and touch its wool! :)

Mummy hopes that Ko will always love the animals around you!!