Two Oceans Aquarium

Friday, September 04, 2015 0 Comments A+ a-

There is no better time to visit the Two Oceans Aquarium than on a rainy day and the perfect moment that we waited for  has arrived. All plans just clicked into place, we would go to church and then head there for a perfect family outing. I have heard about the indoor playgrounds as well and was eager to take a look. 

We had our lunch before going in and there was a simple play area for kids. Surprisingly the food was pretty good! I was always surprised because "normal food" near tourist attractions are hardly worth raving about.

Beef Burger

Fish and chips

Tomato pasta

We could eat our meals and watch the entrance (in case they escape). The area was small and cosy enough for them. Ko started to play on the slide as usual. As you can see, it is not that slippery nor steep, just nice for her!

Where was Imm? He is the addict.. whenever there is a show, he will experience a strong magnetic force and be glued there. However this time, he just watched the show for a short while. Maybe Mummy's insistence on activity rather than TV is having a subtle effect on him. :)

The kids were simply awestruck many times staring at the different varieties of sea creatures swimming. I guess it is true that aquariums always have a therapeutic effect on us. For me, it feels really carefree to be swimming like the fish. Time seems to move so slowly and has a calming effect on me.


The kids have not known about Nemo yet or they will definitely be much more excited upon seeing these fish. 

We are still excited!!

Imm was very interested in this area.

He watched others touch it and then wanted to touch it himself, though apprehensive.

Nono, Ko was not eating something from the water.

Some of them will stick to your fingers when you touch them.. *goosebumps*

Another area he loved was trying to spot the camouflaged toads. He would stare at them for sometime.

I found them!

The area where these toads were is actually part of an enclosure where you can find penguins. They had penguin feeding hours then. However, the kids were a little cranky as it was way past their nap time.

They also had magnetic puzzles of the sea creatures.

 Another play area inside the aquarium. But only Imm could play cos the climb was pretty high.

Yes, the kids were super cranky...... there was also a puppet show at 4 pm but Ko missed it as she was busy sleeping with hub at a corner.

You might wonder who she takes after.

All in all, we spent the whole day from 12 am to about 5 pm and spent less than $40. A really nice time to spend with family.