A list of Items to Prepare when Out on Long Trips

Friday, November 27, 2015 0 Comments A+ a-

When I forsee long car  trips, I would try to prepare some items to make life easier for us along the way... Of cos these are the additional items to occupy the kids besides the other neccessities :). These are what I prepared on our most recent outing. 

1) Sticker books, level of difficulty suitable for both of them (gotten from taobao)

I would cut out the stickers along the lines and do remember to number the book and the stickers. Eg Imm's sticker book is 6 so I would label each piece of the sticker from his book with the number 6 so it would not get mixed up with Ko's one.

2) This was any random thing I picked as it was about to finish. It will serve its purpose for them to decorate on any rough paper and I can discard it after that.

3) Colouring books and crayons

4) Cds of their songs to play on the car

Some things I learnt that might be good to have:

1) A new type of toy or book (can buy on promo and bring along trips as the kids might have been tired of old toys)
2) Zip Lock bags to store the extra snacks from hotel breakfasts as boxes can be bulky. It would be good to have a foldable box as well.
3) Rough paper for kids to be creative

Teaching Ideas from Magzter

Thursday, November 26, 2015 0 Comments A+ a-

These two weeks have been a pretty busy week for me, with visitors. This gives me very little time to think of ideas or to make materials for the kids whether it is of teaching/cooking. Thus, I have only been updating on the letters.

I have been subscribing to Magzter for a couple of magazines (for almost 2 years?) since I need my precious local magazines to keep me sane. I was joining a contest and since it said I could have a trial of Magzter Gold for a month, which gives me access to 3000+ magazines, I just accepted. I saw interesting kids magazines, especially those of KIDS Explore and Asian Geographic Junior which strike an interest in me. After downloading them, I screenshot those I like on my ipad and printed out the worksheets. I liked how the magazines had themes. I could do simple passages like the one below with Imm as they are stories he enjoyed...

Or focused on themes regarding the Earth and planets.

I printed out the chart myself because all these are in the deep recesses of my brain now.

The one below is on healthy eating and I introduced word games like word searches for him.

Overall, I like how the worksheets are colourful so that it does not look too boring and I can input different things. Even on days when I am too lazy to print, we would just read the magazine on the ipad together and see different stories, Ain't that great? It also gives me idea of themes I can focused more on to teach. :)

Letter to Immanuel #48 More Enthusiastic About Animals!

Thursday, November 26, 2015 0 Comments A+ a-

Hi Imm!!

We went to the Safari over the weekend and you were really much enthusiastic about the animals this time. You didn't fall asleep and it was a good thing that there was no fun pack for you to colour like the last Safari. I saw that you were awake most of the time and enjoyed the time. Maybe because there were more people like your cousins enjoying the ride with us!

Though you were tired at times still... but you didn't exactly fall asleep. Perhaps the ride was too bumpy, haha.

This was all of us! Elise, Auntie Serene, Jacob, Uncle TJ, us, Samuel, Uncle James and Auntie Gladys. By the way, you were really curious over the items that Uncle TJ had, Selfie Stick, Camera, His Smart Watch etc....

You really loved the company of your cousins. This was at Delaire Graeff Estate... You would often jump and run around together.

We hardly had a proper meal and now at Kleine Zalze, we prepared a meal of cream cheese and pasta. You told me it was very very nice.

We went to Root 44 Market as well, see how strong Daddy is!! 

You played nicely with Jacob at the sandpit at the Safari for a long time. Boys....

We hoped you enjoyed the time bonding together and building precious experiences! During the long drives, you would often ask Mummy to show you the phone as you wanted to see the GPS of the satellite images. It is quite amazing that you loved to see GPS and all that. :)  Even when we were not driving, you also wanted to see where we were, by seeing the map on the phone. We were pretty amazed by you and just wondered what was going on in your head. Please try to invent something useful in future.

Letter to Reiko #48 Savoring Fun Time with The Cousins

Thursday, November 26, 2015 0 Comments A+ a-

Hi Ko!!

This week was a happy week especially towards the end when you got to play with other kids similar to your age. Maybe it can be joyful and woeful as there are more kids snatching toys/snacks/attention from you. :) But anyway it was a good bonding time with your cousins as you played and savor experiences together.

This was you at Rust En Vrede, one of the the popular wine estates here in Cape Town. You were really happy  running around, more so than the other kids at that time as you saw the big plains to run on.

Posing with Mummy!!

We also went to Drakenstein Lion Park but we did not managed to have our National Geographic Magazine Photo shoot like how Mummy wanted to.

This was us at Delaire Graeff Estate! The clouds were just looming above the mountains and it was such a beautiful sight. I hope that Ko will continue to love nature when she grows up!!

We went to Ernie Els Wines and you stood posing with your cousins in between the bottles.

We went to pluck strawberries together again at Polkadraai, this time with the cousins. They enjoyed it as much as we do and we returned with bucketful of strawberries!

For our last 2 days during the staycation, we went to the Aquila Safari. I think we past by this pair of rhinoceros the most number of times. This rhino is only 1 month old and always walking beside the Mummy. How sweet! :)

We were really near to the lion and Mummy was a little afraid. So I carried you close to me.

See the lone ostrich prancing around in the desert like atmosphere. haha... it is summer now and super hot.

This was all of us at the Safari, posing with the peacock. The peacock is so gracious to show us the wonderful display of the feathers.

Letter to Reiko #47 Fun with Uncle Keenan

Wednesday, November 18, 2015 0 Comments A+ a-

Hi Ko!!

Uncle Keenan came for the past week and even though Imm and him were best buddies since they both like Transformers, I am sure you were his second best friend. :) Every morning, you would ask, "where is Uncle Keenan?" and then went into his room, clamour up to his bed to drink milk. This was a pic of both of you playing with playdoh. You wanted him to make a hippotamus, pig etc.

A morning pic of both of u!!

And because he was here, we get to go to one of our ex favourite haunt: Stables, where it has a nice playground. You looked a bit scared here though you went down reaaaaaallllllllyyyy slowly.

This was at Lourensford. You really like little animals, real or not, thus you were super mesmerized by the cat and the man was probably mesmerised by that fact. You would go "cat cat...." and will go forward to stroke it, though Mummy is always a bit scared that it will scratch you, knowing some cats have attitudes. :) 

 Eating happily with Kor when we had dinner together.. Both of you reallllyyyyyy love creamy pasta, though I thought you loved your tomatoes. But you never like the bolognese that Mummy cooks.

Playing together and dancing around after that!

You are always such a cheeky girl and will automatically pose for me.

Playing our new board game at home!!

Letter to Immanuel #47 Uncle Keenan's Adventure with Us And Little Snippets of Faith Journey

Tuesday, November 17, 2015 0 Comments A+ a-

Hi Imm!

I think the last ten days was indeed a special one for you when Uncle Keenan came! Nowadays, Mummy has to inform you about special events, eg a timeline of good things that are going to happen when you feel tired and reluctant to go to school. Maybe we all need that, like adults need to be reminded of an upcoming hol / special event so we can drag ourselves to work. So about 1-2 weeks ago, I will tell you "you go to school today, then weekend, another few days, we cook together, we go to church then another weekend, you sleep and the next day Uncle Keenan is going to come!!" Of cos at certain occasions, I truncated some parts when I desired so you feel it is going to happen the very next day. :) So there you are, waiting eagerly and impatiently for Uncle to come. Daddy made you crane your neck and anticipate him so you will have something to do.

At last Uncle Keenan arrived!

We brought him around and also for church the next day. I thought this picture was rather cute. Koko was busy coughing while you had a cute peace sign while Uncle Keenan is praying.

This is Daddy and Uncle Keenan. They have known each other for the longest time, since 7 years old. Mummy hopes you will find good and everlasting friends who will support, inspire and share with you their lives just like how it is with Daddy and Uncle Keenan.

There we are at the Old Biscuit Mill for breakfast while you had your sausage bread. Imm is super fond of sausages and Mummy tries to limit your intake.

We were at Waterfront for dinner and you enjoyed your pasta very much with Ko. Look at your happy face!

Dancing around with Uncle Keenan after that. Both of you will try to get his attention. Most of the time, Mummy and Daddy are worn out by both of you so Poor Uncle Keenan has to bear the brunt of it. I am sure the weariness of the 10 days will take a toll for a while. Luckily he is safely back in Spore now. :)

The 3 men. Cheers! 

During this time, Imm was super cranky as you had stomach flu for the past few days. This made you super uncooperative with Mummy and Daddy being very irritated and impatient by you.

We sent Uncle Keenan to the airport as he left to go back to Singapore. We will meet him again in Dec! We went off to a play area and you played happily on the trampoline with Ko. When you play, you seemed to forget about pain and discomfort. Ko kept trying to lie on you and you got quite mad.

After we played, we went to Auntie Lilian's house where she and Uncle Trevor cooked an amazing meal for us! It was like Chinese restaurant style.... You didn't eat much cos of your stomach but enjoyed playing with the 2 dogs. After a while, Auntie Lilian played games on the ipad with you as she said her grand children love these counting games. Uncle Trevor also kindly gave us some biltong that he has made himself. It is soooooo delicious! We always have a good time catching up.

We also made a bit of progress in our faith journey (I think). Mummy and Daddy were playing the scriptural rosary on our phone when you and Ko lie in your bed for some months. Our purpose is actually to let both of you get acquainted with the rosary but Uncle Keenan suggested we could do more of thanksgiving and then The Lord's Prayer. You always asked "why we cannot be put to the test" and we would give you answers that it is a heavenly test. Matters like these are always hard for us to explain to you but we certainly hope you can grow in faith and we will always try our best to guide you despite our limitations. Just know that we love you a lot boy, despite being angry, despite scolding you and saying things like "Next time we don't want to bring you out" or compare you with other seemingly more well behaved kids when you embarrass us, we love all that you are and will always do. So far, Imm has always surprised us with your sudden understanding and we are still groping in the darkness with our parenting journey. Just as when we have figured out all about parenting, we might have to let go as you get older (it feels pretty long still but Mummy is always aware of the ticking clock in my head) After all, it is God who will be the author of your life and we hope that you will always trust that He has the best plans for you. For now, you are the best boy in our hearts.

A Biased View of Must-Go Places in Cape Town #1

Tuesday, November 17, 2015 0 Comments A+ a-

Our good friend was here for 2 weekends and we played host to him. We love having visitors as we get to revisit some of the places that were our past loves but long forgotten. And of cos, we get to visit the wineries knowing that if either of us get drunk, there will be two people to bring the children and 1 adult home.These places that are not all kids friendly  but they make up for their food, wines and atmosphere.

On the first day, we went to Clos Malverne. The moment we arrive, we have to get our friend drunk right? Anyway, we go there almost every quarterly with visitors and found that the menus were changed again from the last time, which was great. It is rated as the #2 restaurant to eat in Stellenbosch according to Trip Advisor. Anyway for a fix price of  R295, you get to choose from the set menu which is about 5 courses. And each course comes from a wine pairing. *gasp* Now you know why we avoid going there when it is just us and the kids.

 Hub looked drunk already so I had to grab the wine away from him as I don't want to be the one handling the 2 kids. 

I only took pictures of my favorites, though I love most of the food there. It is busy enough handling two kids who gives no hoot about good food and wine. Mussels in wine and garlic are always to die for....

And desserts.. cos they just look so pretty. Yes, you can safely judge a dessert by its look.

2) Sacred Heart Catholic Church

Ok this is probably biased, but I have listed down the place we go to weekly for our mass. It has to be one of our must-go favorite places if we go to it weekly. :)

We went to have breakfast at Cold Press first before going to church. Breakfast feels really healthy with salad and smoothie.

We haven't been here for sometime as it is a pretty long drive but we love the beach and food here. You can definitely print it out on a postcard.

We had the seafood platter and heaven felt so near suddenly.

We did not bring the sand scooping toys nor the swim-appropriate/wade appropriate clothes as we can be the most attentive parents. We allowed the kids to roam around themselves. In the end they found random small objects to play with, like mini containers and shells to scoop water. We paid the price by having kids with soaked pants and sand that are like leeches.

This is a place which we love to go for a sushi buffet. However, be careful of mayonnaise overdose as it can fill you up easily. For R129, you can have as much sushi as you want and 8 pieces of sashimi. We enjoyed going there when we feel like abandoning our diet. The kids totally love tempura. As it is pretty near to our place, it has become one of our favorite haunts.

Say Hello to Uncle Keenan!