Help for Baby Yujia

Thursday, October 29, 2015 0 Comments A+ a-

Recently, a few friends shared regarding Baby Yujia. I shared the video here with Imm the night before. We watched the video together and I couldn't help tearing. Who could bear to watch a baby suffer? Imm was very sad too. I told him how fortunate he is to be able to do things that Yujia cannot and not to take things for granted. Every day, we should thank God for our blessings and be a blessing to others. Later, Ko also watched the video. She is the more emotional one and even though she might not fully understand, she would have a very sad face and say things like "poor baby."

I saw that the media has also covered the story on Joytruck, which allows more people to understand about the situation and provide a helping hand. I enjoyed watching the show when I was in Singapore because it made me realise that there is so much strength in human nature. And how much love we can give. Maybe that is why I enjoyed Social Work; seeing the resilience of human spirit made me appreciate life and want to live it to the fullest. Often, it is the clients who taught me much more than how I helped them.

In this post, I hoped I would be able to reach out to more people to help in whatever way they could for Baby Yujia. In numbers, we can help financially, psychologically, whether it is dropping an email or a word of encouragement to the family and in prayers, we can create miracles.

There is a community on fb as well:

Maths Halloween Activities for under 5 Years Old

Thursday, October 29, 2015 0 Comments A+ a-

I have been focusing more on Maths activities over the last month and since it is the Halloween season, there are certainly lots of Halloween activities online! Often, it would be a printable pack of various activities for different age groups so I would not print the whole set. I hate to waste paper resources. One such online platform I found recently was Gift of Curiosity. If you sign up as a member, you can download some packs for free. So far I have downloaded Halloween, Fire fighter and Watermelon printable packs.

Some activities for Ko:

1) Sequence activities. 
I would cut out one set with the whole sequence and another set individually. All these are prepared for you in the printable packs so you just have to print and cut them out.

2) Odd one out activities.
I found one set that is suitable for Ko; the difference of the odd one out is very obvious eg :  a totally different colour. Another set would be for Imm, which has subtle difference for the odd one out eg : one of the houses does not have a chimney.

3) Spot the difference activities. Only Imm can do it currently.

4) Matching shadows activity for Ko. Ko really enjoy these activities and can match the shadows well although they are not too obvious.

5) I printed out a picture of a Jack O Lantern and let them experiment with home made playdough. I made simple cards like the ones at the bottom. It is for both of them to follow instructions and create the Jack O Lantern's faces. Some of the combination was rather ridiculous. For Imm, I focused on the addition of the numbers. Eg 2 eyes 2 noses and 2 mouths (2+2+2=6)

And for Ko, well,she just enjoyed making her favorite rabbits and drawing eyes for them. It is more for counting and finger training.

One of the Jack O Lantern faces that Imm did!!:)

Letter to Reiko #44 Beach Fun and Naughty Ways

Thursday, October 29, 2015 0 Comments A+ a-

Dear Ko,

This is a recent pic of you on the swing - AGAIN!! Initially we went to Hout Bay to have a picnic with our seafood but the wind was too strong and kept blowing sand into our food. Thus, we went to a cafe nearby where it had a small playground corner and you ran towards the swing by yourself, only to pause and look at us after that because you didn't know how to get on. Mummy and Daddy were tired pushing you that day because the weather was really hot! We stood under the hot sun, taking turns to push you for the longest time ever. How I wish you can just swing by yourself soon!! Hehehe!

A pic of you sleeping in the car after that. You would often cry, fuss and scream before falling asleep, thus you looked like a battled warrior. See your sleeping pose. :)

This was us earlier at the beach!

You and Kor playing with the sand. Blow wind blow!

The next day, we went to La Motte where you enjoyed your cream pasta a lot!

Some home activities you did... sweeping cotton balls (you wanted to do it yourself)

Every week, you wanted to do sand art.

Mummy teaching you how to arrange from small to big.

You could actually colour rather well these days. You would colour mostly inside the pic. What I do not understand is why you insist on wearing a hat at home.. hmm..

These days, Ko is getting naughtier and likes to beat Imm. Mummy and Daddy are tired of hearing "Koko beat me again!" from Imm. But he also loves to irritate you, hehe.. we would often scold and punish you. Hope both of you will be close and loving as you grow older ok... :)

Letter to Immanuel #44 Beach Picnics and Wonderful Lunches

Tuesday, October 27, 2015 0 Comments A+ a-

Dear Imm,

This is a recent picture of you on Sat, varnishing your dinosaur. Actually this was more of a dinosaur that Mummy made. The stegosaurus you made was broken in the kiln, a few of them "exploded" as one was still a little wet. Anyway, you enjoyed varnishing your dinosaur. BUT............. you were too rough with it when we brought it home and the head came off... Mummy will have to glue it back again. Daddy was pretty angry as you don't tend to be careful despite warning you at times.

Often after our art class, we would play at the playground nearby and you loved climbing this robe obstacle.

After our class, we went to Hout Bay to eat our fish and chips and lobster. BUT alas! The wind was super strong. We wanted to have a nice picnic yet the wind kept blowing sand into our food. Daddy says the sand will grind the food in our stomach easier for better digestion. :) You were so grumpy because sand kept getting into your eyes and I know how a sensory boy you are, you would often whine when sand gets into your sandals or if socks are not adjusted properly.

Some boys came and played with your toys. You were pretty possessive at first but you share your things.

On Sunday, we had fun at La Motte restaurant and you really love the bread there.

You enjoyed painting there.

You and your finished art piece!

Some home activities!! You can cut rather well now but you will be angry if you cannot cut on the line properly. My boy is so ocd at times.....

Doing Citiblocs with Daddy!!

Your favourite maze. This is to teach you about Jesus being like a fisherman. Mummy tries my best to incorporate Christian elements in my teaching. Hehe.

Happiness with Daddy!!! :)

La Motte

Tuesday, October 27, 2015 0 Comments A+ a-

Life is always full of surprises and even for the simplest events. Initially, we wanted to go to a playarea for kids which I had seen in the kids magazine. It was a pretty long drive and we were disappointed that it was not open as the magazine said it was opened on Sundays. We decided to drive for 30 mins to another place which we had went to before. Halfway through the journey, we passed by La Motte. Hub heard that it was a popular place, thus we decided to "risk" it for lunch as it was already 1 pm plus. Why risk? Our kids are no good at sitting at the adult table for long, thus so far, we only go for long "more expensive" lunches when we have guests. Or else we are just simply happy having short lunches (sometimes with finger food) and watching them play. Yes, weekends are always for them. If you think about it, it is also for us, when kids are happily engaged, adults then can truly recharge. It was a pleasant surprise on the activities this place La Motte had.

It had a painting corner! This was pretty unique compared to the places we had been. At first, Imm did not take much interest till he saw other children painting before him. Then, the little artist emerged and he asked me to accompany him to paint. After that, I could leave him alone as I went off to have my mains.

The dining area was just behind the painting area and I could watch him.

This was what he painted. I realised he loved to paint landscapes of grass and the sky, what we often experience in Cape Town. And probably also the easiest thing to paint. :P

This was the menu, simply appetizing just by looking at it. Like how I always comment, "awesomeness at its peak!"

The breads come in a bag with a variety of spreads.

The children love to eat the bread. Especially for Imm, he ate the bread more than the mains actually, hmm...

Chilled cucumber and fennel soup. We hardly had chilled soups thus this was rather different. It had a slight tinge of nice sourness to it.

Smoked snoek rice dumplings!

Hub and I enjoyed the pork belly and lamb though it was a tad too oily for us and filled us up quickly.

Healthy salad with beetroot!

This was one of my favourites, Pumpkin tart, it was not too sweet, which was perfect for me.

This emulsion was to be poured onto the farm greens. It was wonderful!

Ko shared cream pasta with Imm. She loved it much more than him as he was much more interested in the bread. Look at her happy face!!

The feast in front of us! It was a tad too much but the quality is so good.

Last of all, these were the desserts... the lemon parfait cake...

and plum tart. Frankly, I really like the lemon parfait cake, the taste was just right.. not too sweet nor heavy. Most of the time, I don't finish the desserts as I will be too full and it is usually too sweet and condensed to finish. But I finished this. :)

A view from outside the restaurant.

A view inside the restuarant.

The cellar!

Nice scenic views of the place, I am so loving it!!!!

Imm showing Ko something he found on the ground. He was asking me what it was; I commented maybe it is a fruit of some tree and he opened up and told me it was not a fruit. To him, fruits are the edible squishy juicy things he does not exactly like. :P

A new way of playing chess, somehow it reminded me of Harry Potter story...

Took some shots of the place again before we left. *sob* we will be back again!! :)