Letter to Reiko #44 Beach Fun and Naughty Ways

Thursday, October 29, 2015 0 Comments A+ a-

Dear Ko,

This is a recent pic of you on the swing - AGAIN!! Initially we went to Hout Bay to have a picnic with our seafood but the wind was too strong and kept blowing sand into our food. Thus, we went to a cafe nearby where it had a small playground corner and you ran towards the swing by yourself, only to pause and look at us after that because you didn't know how to get on. Mummy and Daddy were tired pushing you that day because the weather was really hot! We stood under the hot sun, taking turns to push you for the longest time ever. How I wish you can just swing by yourself soon!! Hehehe!

A pic of you sleeping in the car after that. You would often cry, fuss and scream before falling asleep, thus you looked like a battled warrior. See your sleeping pose. :)

This was us earlier at the beach!

You and Kor playing with the sand. Blow wind blow!

The next day, we went to La Motte where you enjoyed your cream pasta a lot!

Some home activities you did... sweeping cotton balls (you wanted to do it yourself)

Every week, you wanted to do sand art.

Mummy teaching you how to arrange from small to big.

You could actually colour rather well these days. You would colour mostly inside the pic. What I do not understand is why you insist on wearing a hat at home.. hmm..

These days, Ko is getting naughtier and likes to beat Imm. Mummy and Daddy are tired of hearing "Koko beat me again!" from Imm. But he also loves to irritate you, hehe.. we would often scold and punish you. Hope both of you will be close and loving as you grow older ok... :)