Letter to Reiko #43 Strawberry Fun and Amazing Discovery abt What you Knew

Tuesday, October 20, 2015 0 Comments A+ a-

Hi Ko!!

Here is a most recent pic of you enjoying your Popsicle, another of your favorite items after meals. Sometimes, I think you and Kor enjoy the things AFTER dinner more than dinner itself, ice cream, fruits, popsicles, juice etc.

We went strawberry picking and it must have been another one of your happiest moments! These days, you don't eat that much strawberries... maybe it was just not as nice at the supermarkets. But when we came to the farm itself, you kept asking for more to eat.

Another of your favorite moments was to be on the swing at the strawberry farm!!

Look at you enjoying every drip and drop of it.

Posing with Daddy outside Jade Court where we had our lunch.

You totally enjoyed the soup here and drank by yourself.

Learning most and least!

Mummy teaching you from biggest to smallest and Kor helping you.

You must be thinking how silly Kor is... hehehe

These days, Ko has resorted to beating Kor more when he irritated you. We would always scold you and ask you to say sorry and hug him. You also commented "Jesus helped me" after you wore your shoes with a bit of difficulty. :) You love to pray before bedtime.

Oh! An amazing discovery yesterday!! You know your left and right when Mummy has not taught you before.