When Life Hands You Strawberries, You Got to Make Strawberry Jam

Tuesday, October 20, 2015 0 Comments A+ a-

On some weekends, we are just left pondering about what to do. I guess this is what being away from family and friends felt like... in Singapore, we never went out much, in fact, weekends are time to recharge on the couch or shopping and high tea with friends. But ever since we had kids, we must definitely spend time together and it would be such a waste since the weather is so awesome here in Cape Town... Summer is almost here and mmmmmm... carrying with it the scent of strawberry-tinted feel! We realised that it had been almost a year since we last plucked strawberries......

This was Ko one year ago.. caught in the act of wanting to eat... :)

The last year we went, it was already in Nov, thus most of the big ones had been picked! This year we went in Oct, so there was still many big ones! Plenty to go around... R25 is about SGD $3.. and we got 5 buckets...

Actually the children were more interested in the new playground.. Ko is always looking around for playgrounds.. this playground was great and had her swings... and they were so new!

She was really happy and was at it for about half an hour, refusing to get off (it happens everytime).

Daddy kissing her and telling her to get the biggest ones. This time she could join Daddy and pluck together.

Halfway through, she came to me as I was responsible as a strawberry washer. Oh no! I forgot and dressed her in white again. Imm enjoyed picking but alas, he is not a strawberry eater, hehe. He doesn't like sour stuff.

Look at the size of it!

I am happy to pick my bucket!

Well, I know that Imm can be rather funny...

The blue sky is totally beautiful!!!!!!!!!

Ko loves to share since there was still plenty of it. No fear!

I came back and washed them thoroughly... planning to make jam/cheesecake! What a lovely weekend!!