Letter to Immanuel #43 Strawberry Fun and Learning about our Planet

Tuesday, October 20, 2015 0 Comments A+ a-

Hi Imm!

Another week has gone. Is a Tues and time for Mummy to write to both of you again. Though I might feel a bit of inertia at times, I always look forward to capture all these snippets weekly so that we can have nice memories. There is always so much to record and even a weekly update is not enough to encapsulate all these moments as my memory can only remember like ten cute and naughty things you do when actually there is far more than that.

Last week, we did recycling together and you are a crazy fanatic on that. Even when you had finished the bag of materials Mummy gave you, you ran around the house to get other things and waited beside Ko to finish playing with her glass Hello Kitty container so you can put in the glass recycling area. In which she was very upset that you took her Hello Kitty away. Maybe you will become an Environmentalist next time.

Mummy had painted these bottles green sometime ago so that we could sing the ten green bottles song together. I took it out again recently so that I can maybe recycle them? cos the paint were all coming off. You took it again and tried various ways to stack them so that they would not fall off.

Your surprised look when it all tumbled and you laughed after that. 

Helping Mummy to pluck vegetables for dinner. You always enjoy watching me cook. Mummy recently bought a simple recipe book which is for kids. Looking forward to cooking with you!

We went to Polkadraai Farm over the weekend. I can see that you posed in your most natural state.

You loved plucking strawberries with Daddy!

We went to have lunch nearby, which was macaroni and cheese. You love that and will go "mmmmmmmm!"

There was this huge tortoise and you love to move the head. In fact, we stayed for a while to see you moving the head. Well. little things can in fact be entertaining.

We went to have Chinese food and you really love the egg soup. In fact, that was the only thing you had (and Ko too). Cos both of you are so full after that! Daddy and Mummy enjoyed our meal in peace while both of you played on the nearby couch. What was funny about you eating was that you needed to hold a tissue and you would wipe your mouth after every mouthful. Daddy and I would look at you in bewilderment.

Here, you were helping Ko to arrange the sizes of the earths from smallest to biggest... just to tie in with our "Save Our Earth" theme on recycling last week! :)