Sharing About Mid Autumn Festival

Friday, October 09, 2015 0 Comments A+ a-

I wanted to share a little about Mid- Autumn Festival since there was not much exposure for the kids here. On the day itself, I was in the plane and I could see the full moon clearly. It was just truly beautiful and made me want to share about the Chinese Tradition even more. I have learnt about parts of the culture from books but just hope to bring it even earlier to the kids and make it fun for them.

They love stories so...

First, I translated my flashcards story from 
Imm arranged the flashcards for me after that without me asking him to.

I made snow skin mooncake the other day and showed them. However, they were reluctant to try as they have an aversion to strange looking food. Of cos life is always difficult for me to make food look edible to them (easier when it comes to colourful small stuff coated with sugar) Anyway, I got used to it, if they want to try, it would be a miracle but that day, no miracle happened.

I printed a simple story for them from 

We also managed to play with our lanterns which a neighbour kindly gave the children before we left Singapore. 

Hopefully this will spark more interest for them in future years to come when we celebrate in Singapore. :)