Letter to Immanuel #35 Your Last Month of Being A 3 Year Old

Tuesday, August 11, 2015 0 Comments A+ a-

Hi Imm,

This was a recent picture of you on 7th Aug 2015.  It is about 2 weeks more before you turn 4 years old. Somehow you cannot wait to be 4 years old as you really wanted to have your party.. seeing that we all had ours.. hehe.. this day is also special because you actually walked a little instead of being in the stroller after school. Usually, you don't want to walk!

During the weekend, we went to the cafe before going to Makro and you did your colouring there.. Mummy always has to keep you occupied or you will want to play games on the phone. Somehow you like this book and always enjoy colouring it.

A wefie with Mummy!

Here were some of the activities we did last week. You enjoyed playing with water and will ask to make the water colorful. Soon though the newspapers were soaked with all the transferring of water.

We made a penguin from paper plate together...

Since you love your art and craft so much, we also learnt about Noah's Ark and made a rainbow. You will say that only rainbows are very colourful.

This week we celebrated National Day at Auntie Irene's House. You can't wait for your friend Severin to come and you guys really played and ate together, enjoying yourselves tremendously. These days, you will also constantly ask Koko, "are you my friend" repeatedly until Mummy commented to Daddy that you are "naggy", haha! It just tells us that our boy is a sociable boy but needs a lot of affirmation that he has friends!

Decked in red and white for our National Day while you and ko shared ice cream biscuits.

 Imm is still whiny, still needs a lot of patience from Daddy and Mummy at times but we can see you are growing and learning to be a very loving Kor. Ko vomited this morning and you kept patting her back, saying "good girl, it is ok..." You are still distracted at times when learning (boring) stuff that Mummy wants to teach you or when eating but you focused so well when doing your art and craft or when doing something practical (fixing, connecting things). We hope we can instill a discipline in you and though Mummy might be impatient at times, we love you for who you are and no matter how old you get, you are always our little boy.