Letter to Immanuel #37 You turned Fantastic Four!

Monday, August 24, 2015 0 Comments A+ a-

Hi Imm! You have finally turned 4 years old! You kept asking us when is your happy birthday and you just couldn't wait.... On one hand, Mummy really wanted you to grow up cos sometimes I just dunno why you whine, is it an age or your character? I just wished you would grow out of it. On the other hand, I just love your innocence, how you asked questions, how you believe what we say unquestioningly because sarcasm, irony, deceit, white lies and adult ways are just not your ways yet. And we do try our best to shield you from all these that will taint your innocence. We built a shelter for you to let you grow up in the best innocence possible.

Two days before we celebrate your birthday in school, Mummy started packing your goodie bags for your friends...

And also made your beary cute cheesecakes for your friends. This is like your signature, cos I know you are a cheesy boy... in a very realistic way. And underneath it is your favourite oreo.

The day before, Daddy collected your cake and we all went "wow!!!" Mummy had a problem getting your avengers cake because the cake shop here does not have "boy designs" which got Mummy super frustrated and was worried at the thought of your disappointment. "how? No Avengers cake for my boy?!" Luckily, Daddy had a contact and could get someone to make for you just 3 days before. And this cake was really so detailed and beautiful. It is truly the details that matters! The cracking of the words, the wall, the expressions on the Ninja Turtles. You stared at it for some time. :) Were you very amazed too?

And it has your name on it!!

We brought it to school in the morning and took photos with you.

The celebration was done with your teachers and friends because somehow they did not allow parents to go during tea break as it could be disruptive. Still, your teachers took lots of great pictures for you!!

They made a crown for you, the Birthday Boy!!

You and your teacher Jackie.... you would be leaving Green class for Yellow class next month. Mummy really liked your Green Class teachers, hehe...

You and your best pals, Alex, Hayden... You will be going to Yellow Class with Alex!

That day, we went to Panarottis to celebrate your birthday. We had pizza and your favourite Alfredo. Mummy was a bit disappointed over the celebration there. The free ice cream was tainted with fireworks black sparks and we returned it. The song actually shocked you. The highlight was actually the rainbow ice cream that you shared with Ko. :)

 But it is ok, the present is here! We went to get it in the morning. A bike!! This bike allows you to fix the wheels on when you get the hang of balancing it. A lot of children struggle with balancing and pedaling it at the same time so we thought you can focus on the balancing first. You just couldn't wait.

It is done! We shall find one day to pedal during the week since it is already night time now.

What??!! Another surprise?? What is that??

Daddy started fixing up Ko's owl bed and then fixed yours. Mummy wanted to make this a big thing for you, since you turned 4 years old. When I asked you before your birthday if you would sleep by yourself if you had a ninja turtle bed, you said yes. And you kept saying you would sleep by yourself when you turned 4 years old. So I went to different places to check out the price.

You kept your promise and slept in the bed that day, together with Ko. Mummy knows how hard it is for you since you really love our bodies next to you for security and protection. I know cos I also felt scared sleeping by myself when I was young :P I thought this bed seemed to give a secure feeling since the thought of a big adult bed can be quite immense. Haha....

Near morning time, you cried and climbed onto our bed to sleep. But it is a small breakthrough. Mummy knows you tried and you kept your promise. We have to keep believing you will try to see it through. 

Happy Birthday my boy, you have come a long way. Many more blessed years to come and we pray that God will continue to watch over our boy and helped him to grow up to be happy, loving, selfless and faithful. Despite our inadequacies as parents because you are our first born, just know that you are very very loved. Any failure not to give in to your demands is not because we want to deprive you but we don't want you to be spoilt. Any harsh words and scoldings is because we feel certain ways are not the best for you. All things are done in loving thoughts of you and to help you grow up in the best way within our knowledge and means.