Letter to Reiko #37 Loving Imm's Ninja Turtles

Monday, August 24, 2015 0 Comments A+ a-

Hi Ko!!! This week, Mummy got to spend time with you because Daddy accompanied Imm for art class. We hung around at the playground. Without Imm, you didn't fancy climbing around much and just spent time singing and walking around with Mummy.

We went to Hout Bay during the weekend. You were very mesmerised by the birds and wanted to touch them. How you  wished they can just land on your hand right? :)

After lunch, we went to the beach and spent a couple of hours playing with the sand....

And then running around after that!! Kor was chasing you!

Sun was Imm's birthday. On Fri, we went to bring his cake over and you took photos with him.

On Sunday, we went to Panarotttis and you enjoyed the pizza.

Shared Kor's birthday ice cream with him!!

Because Kor had his Ninja Turtle bed, Mummy also bought one for you - an owl bed. You were so supportive of Kor's birthday. You sudddenly sang the Happy Birthday song when Daddy was building the bed, out of your own accord. We were so surprised.

That night, you managed to sleep in the bed yourself till nearly morning. You protested though, you wanted Daddy to sleep beside you. Somehow, we had to let you grow up faster and leave our beds earlier. Mummy had always wanted to let you sleep by yourself and you could do it when younger but because Imm was not ready, you took to sleeping to our bed as well.

Sorry baby, somehow we had to make you grow up a little faster than Kor. But you are so adaptive, so cheerful and receptive to generally everything. Koko's strength is her positivity to all situations and remaining cheerful when things do not go according to her way. Thank you for being such a dear and singing for Kor so beautifully. We love you!!