Craft #5 Teaching God Keeps His Promises - Noah's Ark

Thursday, August 06, 2015 0 Comments A+ a-

I have been wanting to do a rainbow colors activity especially with Ko just because they are so beautiful. And which story will be greater than Noah's Ark? Thus, I read the short story from our short bible story book and then told them that we are going to decorate our rainbow to remind us that God keeps his promises!

I found a picture of a rainbow online and printed out 2 sets. I told them to color the orange and yellow as I could not find these colors of the crepe paper.

Ko tried to color but she still needed help and I finished off for her.

Imm could color very well inside the lines.

Then, here comes the fun part!! Tearing the crepe paper and then squeezing them into tiny balls with the thumb and index finger.  Both of them preferred the squeezing part. We then applied some glue and placed the crepe paper over..

Almost finishing!

We finished up the next day. And used cotton balls for the fluffy clouds!

Tada! This was Ko's masterpiece.

Learning Points:

1) Nature is wonderful
2) Colors bring life
3) Clouds are fluffy
4) God can give beautiful signs and trust Him no matter what
5) Finger training by rolling the balls
6) Finger training by pasting
7) Finger training by coloring