Nature Brought to Life

Monday, August 17, 2015 0 Comments A+ a-

This weekend was filled with lotsa whooping abs exercises and being best friends with toilet rolls. Yes, I was tired of bring tissue packs or asking for extra serviettes. The weekend was also a little cold and dreary. Being in Cape Town means that it is not the usual "yay, it is going to be so cooling" kind of thought but feeling the constant shuddering of the cold air around you. Despite that, we went on with our usual plans... our art class! Imm was indeed a little out of sorts and it exacerbates his whining to a different level. Hub and I tried to maintain our positive attitude and guide along as best as we could despite feeling not up to it as well. However, the picture at the end of it all clearly reveals that all things work out best for those with good intentions :)

This week, we did our background for our dinosaurs which we used clay to make during our very first lesson. The teacher prepared all these beautiful dried plant, seeds, nuts etc.

Imm was actually quite listless but got his act together after bringing him out a while to "talk" to him. However, he is not so patient with watercolours as he does not know how to control the amount of water. He gets frustrated when the colour runs off. I had to tell him to tap the water away at the palette if it is too much.

For a good few moments, he was just painting away while I was thinking if it would be nice at all. OOps. Seeing the examples that the teacher showed increased the intensity of these feelings. He started to paint the bottom with more green. I felt that he actually knew what he was doing. When I asked him if he wanted to try certain things, he would say "yes" or with a adamant "no!"

He told me he wanted to glue some of the leaves at the bottom so I helped him along.

All of a sudden, he blotted a big brown colour in the middle of the paper and I widened my eyes in shock. I asked him calmly what that was and he told me he was going to paint a tree.

After he painted the trunk, I decided I could help him by dotting some leaves and he did it along with me. He then painted the flowers himself and I added in the leaves and stems.

At the end of it all, I can't help feeling amazed that the uncertainty in my heart was appeased with the beauty in front of my eyes. Somehow I was also reminded of this story about God weaving a tapestry in your life.

Koko was busy becoming her own artist in the meantime! I shall wait for her to amaze me one day.:)