Letter to Immanuel #36 Tug of War

Wednesday, August 19, 2015 0 Comments A+ a-

Hiee Imm!

You were not feeling well during the weekend so was a bit cranky but the artist in you still existed! You painted the background, wanted to add the leaves in certain places and then started painting the tree on your own. You just love art right? Though you need a bit more confidence.. don't worry if it doesn't seemed nice or you can't deal with watercolors well because it will be nice when you put effort and heart into it. Just always try your best ok? :)

See? This was nice! Even Daddy said "huh? that is his?" after I showed him the picture. He only saw the beginning part when you started as he brought Ko out to play shortly.

Last week we made a jellyfish! You were happy painting it blue, still your favourite colour?

We went to Blasters over the weekend and you were just crazy, sliding with Ko, you would flip over on all sides and ways, encouraging Ko to imitate you.

We went to Lisa's too and because part of it was  under construction, it seemed like we had the whole place to ourselves. There was this trampoline thing which we enjoyed jumping on a lot, though in the picture, it looked like it was just mummy enjoying herself. Haha.. Mummy was feeling so fluish, so wrapped myself up, yes, like a mummy.

You enjoyed walking and balancing on this and looked so pleased and confident of yourself.

There was this very down moment this week when you were really naughty, don't want to eat your food or listen to us. Sometimes, Mummy and Daddy will get very exasperated. You can be a good boy when you want to but you will whine and make things difficult for yourself. Mummy will ask you if you are a 4 month old or a 4 year old when you whine like that. Daddy was very angry with you for not finishing your food properly and always wanting Mummy to feed. You sat there for half hour, cried half hour, made a bug fuss cos we refused to make milk for you, Mummy had to cane you and FINALLY, you finished your vegetables by yourself. Why are you so hard on yourself boy? You do eat these vegetables and are ok with them, Mummy constantly tells you to eat well and you know it is important, so why these moods time and again? Is it because you don't feel well? It is very challenging to compete with you in terms of endurance in this waiting game because we don't want to give in easily. It is easy in the short run but we have to ensure that you learn the right values and no, we don't want to give up disciplining you. No matter how tired we feel, we just have to do the right thing and not give in to your demands.

Today, however, you were a very good boy. You ate your dinner properly and were so happy tearing up the receipts with Ko. You listened and know your limitations on the ipad, did everything we asked you to. Can you be more like this? :)

Anyway, we have been trying to let you sleep on the side of the bed (as you always want to sleep in the middle) without you touching Mummy's hand or leg. Since you were a small boy, you have to be reassured by touching someone's body part (hand/arm/elbow/leg). If I were to wear socks, you  would use your feet to touch part of my bare ankle before you can sleep. It was really tough. We didn't know how to take away this dependency from you. But now, we feel we had to. We are thinking of getting a ninja turtle bed and a girl's one for Ko...shall see how. You told us you will sleep alone when you are 4 years old. Should we choose to believe you? I think we have to. All parents have to trust their children, no matter how dubious it sounds.:)