Health is Wealth - My Young Living Journey

Friday, August 28, 2015 0 Comments A+ a-

We have all been sick recently and what is worse than being sick yourself is to have two other sick whiny kids. With that, I had to drag along my sick body and tend to the little ones. Hub was also a little under the weather and tried to help as much as he could.

Frankly speaking, I could hardly remember the time when we were really sick. I tend to be a bit kiasu, like most Singaporeans and did all the research I could when I know we were going to be away from Singapore - the place where doctors are easily available. Furthermore, there was this last experience in which Imm was really really sick that he laid in bed for days. The medicine here in Cape Town was strong and tasted the worst. I had to force it down the poor boy's throat and sometimes he would vomit it out. I told myself that I was going to get medicine from Singapore/iherb (natural medicines) and just stock them in Cape Town. At the same time, Ko had mosquito bites and I read that the Purification Oil from Young Living is a natural insect repellent. After that, I began to learn more about the oils, became a member and the rest is history.

Now I have a full bag of oils at my disposal. I believe that prevention is better than cure and these are my all time favorites of keeping my family healthy. I would alternate three oils for the kids daily usage.

Thieves! To support a healthy immune system.

This is a blend of oils in which I mixed myself:
15 drops of melrose
15 drops of Thieves
15 drops of Lemon
15 drops of Oregano
7 drops of Frankinsence

Last of all, Immunpower! This is the least fragrant of all (and that is an understatement). However, I would rub under the soles of the children when they are really sick and I felt that the the flu bug would always go away more quickly than usual.

We cannot prevent sickness but seeking a holistic natural way of keeping my family healthy works for me. Healthy family = Happy family.