Letter to Reiko #35 Fun Filled Days

Wednesday, August 12, 2015 0 Comments A+ a-

Hiee Koko!

Last week when we played the supermarket game, you were really enthusiastic! Mummy didn't know you liked shopping so much.. I know who I can depend on to buy things for me in future! haha! You will go "I want apple, I want carrot..." Ok maybe shouldn't ask you unless I have a  big budget!

You enjoyed coloring your rainbow with Mummy and pasting crepe paper. You always insist on doing yourself and only when you are not able to, you will say "mummy, help me!" Yay, I admire this attitude in my girl.. must always try first!

We had our National Day celebration recently. You were happy cos you could eat many of the ice cream biscuits.. though I told you many times that those weren't meant for you... still, you shared what you had... :)

You played with your favourite jie Kassandra. She takes really good care of you. At first, you will always be reluctant to leave my side but she will persuade you and show you things and you will be distracted. 2 days later, you will ask me again "where is jie?" By the way, Mummy realised these days you could climb up steps to the slide very well, even those that are not exactly steps but just boulders for you to step on... you will try and grasp, pulling yourself up.

Today, you sang a birthday song "happy birthday to Ko, happy birthday to Imm Imm, happy birthday to Mummy, happy birthday to everybody!"