Our Singaporean Group In Cape Town

Tuesday, August 11, 2015 0 Comments A+ a-

Well, despite being far from home, I actually felt that this was the most involved I had been in any of my lifetime worth of celebrations and it is definitely the most memorable... I wonder if there will be any more yet to come as there certainly hadn't been... Our group celebrated National Day last year but this year was totally awesome as the group was much bigger, we were closer to some, we all had a common sadness in our hearts as we remembered our dear Mr LKY when we watched the National Day Parade on television and last of all, we were all determined to celebrate with our hearts.

It all started the day before when we started baking our bread. Paul helped me for the first time in putting in the otah and kaya filling for our bread.

This was half of the bread that was made! I also made pandan cake and cornflake raisin cookies which weren't that successful as I didn't take out the butter earlier. But is ok! We had fun in the kitchen.

The next day, we went to our friend's Irene's place for the celebration. We went earlier so we could pack the goodie bags for the others who were coming. They were sent to hub for the Singaporeans who were overseas. The children helped to unwrap the bags but being very distracted as children were, it was a bit slow..

And who remembered these "ice cream biscuits" as the children called them? I don't know what the name is but I remembered liking them cos they were so sweet and colorful. I brought them along cos they were a must to celebrate SG50. It was for the others but my kids are the best at devouring them....

Everyone brought along some food, mostly those that reminds us of the food we missed in Singapore. The lovely host Irene, made some popiah. We also had bee hoon, briyani, bubur chacha, to name a few.

The great turn out that day, with everyone mingling around.

And Imm mingling around over desserts with his friend.

While Ko played outside with hers. It was so awesome for the kids.

And another thing I wanted to do was to surprise hub... I planned a cake for him and to sing a birthday song since his birthday was 4 days away...

He was totally surprised!

As you can tell, his surprise look was fixed mostly after that.

Our group photo... not so prepared yet...

Better now!

Hub had this especially made:

Another of our Singaporean friends made this red velvet cake.

What surprised us was after cutting the cake, we saw the heart shape in it!! All of us went "waaaaa............." I saw someone making it in youtube before and couldn't believe it when I see the real thing in front of my eyes.. 

We even had a quiz after that, prepared by one of them. There were two teams and the members were squabbling over the answers and trying to beat each other in the scores. I was just busy holding Ko as she had fallen asleep, trying desperately to contain my laugher.

I was telling Hub that after knowing some of them, I am so determined to cook more Singaporean dishes. (and of cos he was really happy as he will benefit most from it) Only recently, one of them taught me how to cook fried beehoon properly. I also learnt to use herbs and spices in my food and I just wanted to bake a proper cake someday. And I was amazed by the trouble they would go to in order to hunt for the ingredients for our local dishes which are not easily available here. I doubt that I would have ever appreciated all these in Singapore as all these food are an eyeblink away. Only when I am far away, I truly treasure all these gems we have. It is amazing how I came this distance to learn and appreciate home. And the kids will realise one day too that "home" might not be a tangible place but where friends and family are right beside you.