Letter to Reiko #36 Simply Adorable

Wednesday, August 19, 2015 0 Comments A+ a-

Hiee Koko!!

Mummy was just choosing which photos to pick to develop from your school photos but in the end I just developed your class photo.. how come you looked so unhappy, like you were forced to take the pictures? Daddy and I were laughing about it. In the end, Mummy didn't choose any of your personal ones because we can take better pictures of you! :)

This week, Mummy tried to intensify my teaching for you. It is seriously time to start teaching you letter sounds and numbers already. You seemed to identify numbers better. Kor learnt by watching youtube videos and now Mummy feels I am racking my brains to make it interesting for you. Cos I feel you are not that into electronics so I am going to make it more "manual" and practical for you. Here you are putting playdoh to make the number one.

Mummy was a bit irritated cos when I started asking you what are the sounds after teaching you, you keep saying "I don't know, I don't know" without pausing to think and giving this grin on your face... hrummpph.... another Kor in the making.

What was fun tonight was actually tearing receipts for Daddy. You could not tear easily and will keep asking Kor, "can you help me?"

Last week, we painted a jellyfish and you were so pleased with it. See? We could take better pictures of you. Hehe....

You constantly amaze us with your words when you just chatter away non stop. You will ask things like, "is this yours, Mummy?" when pointing at something that belongs to me or say comments like "I don't know how to do this, can you help me?" Truly a big girl now but still as adorable. In fact, we brought you to the modelling agency last week and they loved you. You took some photos there and let's see if got any assignments for you. We want to add it to your portfolio!

The downpoint this week was that we were all not feeling well and you constantly had a running nose. Mummy will ask you regularly if you feel ok and you will say "yes, ok". You were never one to give in to your sickness and is normally a cheerful girl till you can get cranky when tired.

Daddy and Mummy love you lots, may you always be as cheery and adorable. It is so nice to wake to your cheerful face in the morning. I think you are a morning person cos you will always be smiling and playing when you wake up. And yes, you are constantly Daddy's girl, when you sleep beside Mummy at times, you will sometimes wake up in the night and say "I want Daddy..." and crawl over to sleep beside him. You will squeeze so near that Daddy gets irritated cos there is no room for him to sleep properly. :P