Mummy's Time #1 - Of Ciders and Coffees

Friday, July 31, 2015 0 Comments A+ a-

Well, Mummies must enjoy themselves and give themselves a break for working hard right? I am.. especially in this place of nice coffees and ciders... I decided that every end of the month, I shall dedicate a post for Mummy's time (I shall try) and to reminisce about the nice things:)

These are my favorites this month...

1) Hunter's Gold Cider

There are two main brands of cider produced here, Hunters and Savanna Dry. Hunter's Gold was first introduced to South Africa in 1988 as an alternative to beer. Its low alcohol content and refreshing taste just makes the don't-want-to-be-that-alcoholic in me crave almost every other day. Moreover, it is rather cheap here, around R10 a bottle...

2) Freshly Brewed Coffee

My energy boosting drink. It used to be a girlfriend's kind of thing, which I really missed. Doing coffee means lots of catch up, gossip and it just taste so good with good company. When I was younger and had less financial commitments, I would willingly spend $6-$10 in Singapore for a mocha that is of average quality.. however, nowadays, I spend stringently (My hub will go "izzit?") and save the moment for good coffees instead. Moreover, I don't have coffees with friends now in Cape Town so no distraction if the coffee is bad. Coffees to me are not just coffees anymore, they are a type of maturity for the mummy slaving happily away for the family. Thus, this mummy drinks 3 in 1 Old Town coffee in the day (because there is no time while rushing the kids to school) and good quality coffee in the afternoon while the kids are at school. 

This coffee was bought from The Coffee Roasting Company at Lourensford.

This was what is written behind...

Skillfully brewed coffee :
1) Use only 100 % Arabia beans
2) Enjoy within 2 months
3) Re order weekly to ensure optimal flavour
4) Grind fresh. Brew fresh. Serve fresh. BE Passionate!!!

1) Use stale beans - older than 2 months from roasting date.
2) Serve coffee that has been brewed more than 20 mins ago
3) Use dirty equipment - rancid coffee are acrid and bitter
4) Use less than 60 g of coffee per litre
5) Overheat milk over 70 degrees for cappucino
6) Heat coffee over 90 degrees

The freshly brewed and pressed coffee taste just so good... Gentle with a clean finish just like how it is described.

Simple Hands on Fractions

Wednesday, July 29, 2015 0 Comments A+ a-

Bought this set from Popular when I was back in Singapore the last time. Though it said for primary level, I couldn't help but get it because it was on promo. I can't help but realize I am going more for items cos of the deals.... this is gradual auntism...

Last week, I input to Imm since he was cutting his playdoh. So I thought I can also just use this at the same time.

The set comes with plastic shapes like this and some foam shapes.

It also has a book like this:

I asked Imm to place on the page and then told him that the two sides should be equal. When you and Ko share a pie, each one should be equal.. means you will have half and Ko will have half.

We then proceeded to do with playdoh again, this time with more purpose. It is like making a pizza using playdoh by using something round to cut it out. He enjoyed it the last time so I know he will have fun in the same way now. He used the plastic 1/2 plates to make the outline, cut the outline of the round shape out. He then proceeded to cut it into half.


We proceeded to do a quarter the next day. The good thing is now he is going to teach Ko the same thing. :)

I further developed my input when I saw this online: 

I described to him the total number or parts is the number below and the parts that are shaded are on top. Sometimes he will try his luck; he will count the total number of parts and just look for the fraction that has the number.

For me, no harm doing basic introduction and then share ideas when the appropriate scenarios come along...

Have fun! 

Letter to Immanuel #33 Taking Care of Mei Mei Well

Tuesday, July 28, 2015 0 Comments A+ a-

Hi Imm,

You have been a good big bro these days. Thanks to you, Mummy and Daddy gets to sleep in longer on weekends because you will bring Ko to the living room and play. At play areas, you will always hold Koko hand and say "come, come with me", "I bring you go and play ok?". Koko is becoming braver because of you! Is certainly hard to imagine that you were once very timid yourself, always wanting Mummy to come with you to the play area. Now, you go off to a huge play area and come back to us when you had your fun.

Koko is always following you. :)

Mummy tried teaching you time but I think it will take some time for you to get it.. hehe

You like to say things like, "Yesterday I like to eat this, today I don't like"... very frustrating you know... haha..

You also love running to corners and hide from Daddy when he is back.. but you always hide in the same place!! :P

Eating is still difficult as Mummy has to feed you things you don't like to eat. Hope you will be more independent soon!!

Mummy and Daddy were pretty angry with you recently cos you can't do your counting well despite teaching you. Sometimes, Mummy is a bit stressed but I will continue telling myself to let you learn in your own time ok? I have been seeing if I can let you join any art, music, cooking class. I know you really like cooking a lot and always want to sit beside the stove. You always say, "I want to see Mummy cook" and ask me what I add each time. "Add this and this then become what?" You think it is like colour changing right? :)

Daddy and Mummy

Letter to Reiko #33 Learning Fun at Home and in Playgrounds

Tuesday, July 28, 2015 0 Comments A+ a-

Hi Koko!!

You have been very good at focusing these days whenever Mummy teaches you. You will repeat after me. Even when I am teaching Kor, you will say "is it my turn?" and want me to teach you too. When I counted in 40-something with Kor in Chinese, you will go mumbling, "四十七, 四十八" by yourself and Daddy and me will look at each other in shock. And it is not the only time. Maybe this is really passive learning. :)

Last week, we learnt about transportation in Mandarin.

During art time, Koko is not scared of dirtying her fingers anymore!!

You enjoy pasting stickers a lot so Mummy always do lots of sticker books with you.

You love playing with Kor and Kor will ask you to hold his hands whenever you go down any steps.

And you are so not afraid of slides.

You always ask Mummy, "you want somemore *insert fruit name* when you are eating or ask "mummy, u ok?" when something happens. When I pretended the soft toy has no more money left, you will hug the soft toy and say "is ok" and put on a sad face. You must continue to be so sweet ok? :)

However, you will say "I don't want to sleep", "I don't want to bathe" these days. But you won't struggle much when I hoist you over my shoulder to bathe.

And you are so funny these days.. when Mummy scolded Kor for leaving crumbs on the floor after eating, you will say, "it's me"... don't anyhow be others' scapegoat ok? That's not so good.. even so, sometimes honesty might not be the best policy.. oops and I am not supposed to tell you that.. but Mummy believes in white lies also...

Oh one thing, you love eating eggs, half boil, hard boil, sunny side, etc.

Still a good girl. Terrible twos is getting more terrific.

Daddy and Mummy

Minionful Day at Mac

Tuesday, July 28, 2015 2 Comments A+ a-

We passed by Mac on Sat after we went to Blasters and it turned out to be a minionful day. We couldn't resist, the playground was beckoning to us as we drove past. Thus, we decided to stop there for some coffee (as handling two kids always need the extra caffeine boost) while the kids can play there. And ALSO because WE (the adults) are in lurrvveeeeeeeeeeee with these bah-na-na crazy minions. And we have not even watched the movie. We love how these toys can do martial arts, walk or laugh as they fall down and because of us, the kids love it too...

There is just another two to add to our collection and it will be a minionful family. One Mac meal here costs only 3 bucks. It includes an apple juice, cheeseburger/chicken burger/hamburger/nuggets and fries. This place is not exactly health conscious for kids, which is why I insist on cooking healthily at home. However, when I ordered Happy Meal one day, the burger surprised me with fresh veg (which is not often the case in Singapore), also, the kids don't really eat the burgers, just a handful of fries.

Anyway, back to why we were at Mac - Yes the playground! It was full of big slides but the con was, the kids can just disappear inside and we have to listen out for their screams instead. Nowadays, Imm will bring Ko along and watch out for her but sometimes he will run off himself and we will have to remind him to watch out for Ko. He tries. :) Ko, on the other hand, is much  braver at this age compared to Imm. Maybe because she has big bro looking out for her and is well equipped with a very big voice.

We had three happy meals while we were there, so we had three of the same toys and someone left two of theirs behind... maybe we can have more families.. the members are multiplying.............

Blast Away at Blasters!

Saturday, July 25, 2015 0 Comments A+ a-

Today, we decided to visit an indoor playground called Blasters near Cape Gate. And indeed! It was a blast away session for the kids. 

Upon entering, a lady came and put an electronic tag on the kids. It was so unlike the other indoor playgrounds that we went to. She said that "just in case" they run off. Thumbs up for that cos when I realised it is such a big place, I want to feel assured I can still find my kids at the end of the day.

And I could see why as soon as I stepped further in.

It is indeed heaven for the kids squealing in every corner, jumping away. Some were tossed and turned in big roller containers and were screaming in happiness. 

Initially we went to the area for younger kids so it would be easier for Ko but Imm was soon running off to his own space. Hub and I would always take turns to keep an eye on the kids. For Imm, he was ok but for Ko, we would always make sure she is seen (since this country is not exactly safe for kids). Thus, I followed her around and I felt like I just did a full workout (and felt less guilty about missing my jogs at times). I was unable to count how many times I climbed up and down and I felt grateful for my supple frame, squeezing up and down the stairs meant for kids. This is how I can get these treasured moments of them as well.

Ko would follow Imm wherever he goes.

They would slide down the steps like these...

Sometimes she would climb around herself while Kor disappeared somewhere.

Trying to blast the little rubber balls off.

And being shot at.

The rock climbing wall was behind.

Don't have a tunnel vision in whatever you do.

Yup, the slides were pretty scary, ten times Ko's height?

We were not very hungry as we had a pretty full breakfast. Thus we simply ordered chicken mayo sandwich and a cider (again! We can't live without ciders here :P).

Ko enjoyed the sandwich!

The toilet was pretty spacious with a nice changing table. Sometimes the kids will always want to tag after me so I am always grateful for a little more space to maneuver around. Or else I would always have to try pulling Imm nearer to me before I could shut the door.

Imm could also reach the basin and wash his hands himself.

We stayed for nearly 3 hours and paid R70 for both of them (less than S$10). It is indeed not costly to take a break from our parenthood once in a while.

Baked Eggs with Bacon and Tomato

Saturday, July 25, 2015 0 Comments A+ a-

Something healthy, colourful and easy to prepare as I warm up in my drowiness state. That is my requirement for breakfast and this totally fits the bill. Though not a man, I am attracted by visual images, and what could be more appetizing than this? I saw this pic in the mag before but accidentally threw the recipe away, thus I know I needed to find it again online and here it is!

I have made some adaptions to the recipe and I shall put it in a simpler form. Hub say it is good and finished 3 out of the 4 servings..........................................................


1) 1 small packet of diced bacon
2) 1 quarter of onion (I used yellow as I did not have red)
3) 6 cherry tomatoes (halved)
4) 6 eggs
5) 1/3 cup of grated mozarella cheese (estimated)
6) 150 g of spinach leaves (estimated)
7) 2 tsp of veg oil


1) Preheat oven to 160 degrees. Grease 4 ramekins and arrange on baking tray
2) Heat oil on high in pan. Saute bacon and onion for 3-4 mins until onion is tender. 

2) Add tomatoes and cook for a min. Cool.

3) Combine bacon mixture, cheese, spinach and 2 eggs. Add some pepper for seasoning.

4) Divide mixture into 4 ramekins.

5) Break remaining eggs one at a time into small bowl. Carefully slide one egg into each ramekin to cover the mixture. (I tried to break the egg over the mixture but it slided off)
6) Bake for 20-25 min until egg is set. (oops the egg mixture overflowed. Next time I shall use 5 ramekin instead for the mixture or lessen the ingredients)

You can eat with toast.

* you can replace it with ham. Most ingredients are estimated. You can't go wrong with this, which is perfect to make in the mornings. :) Ko ate the egg and Imm like the bacon. Hub and I finished the rest. Perfect meal for all of us.

Teaching God Sees the Heart - The Widow Mite's Story

Saturday, July 25, 2015 0 Comments A+ a-

I love short stories. Parables can say so much with a few words like how a picture might speak a thousand words. And today, I wanted to convey this story as I loved it when I was a little girl. Since my goal was to input a faith story every week for this "term", I tried looking for materials to share this story in a kids friendly way but there was very little to source upon. Thus, I tried racking my brains to bring the story to their level.

This was what I gathered and did:

1) Wrap up a happy meal box (yay, apt for my theme - a happy giver) and made two slits. One big and one small.

2) Summarised the story from the one found online.

3) Prepared some chocolate coins, which was the dangerous part because it might distract them from my main motive. One bag with big coins and one purse with 2 small coins.

4) Pictures of what they like, eg bears, ninja turtles etc.

This was what I did:

1) Read the story to Imm one time and let him arrange it after that.

2) Then we decorated the donation box with stickers. I had to insert an art and craft part, knowing it will be fun for them. Imm kept asking me, "what is it for, mummy?" "why must we decorate?" I told him it was a donation box for God.

Imm would peel the stickers for Ko and I would go in my heart, "oh so sweet" again.. :)

The finished product!!

3) Then I let Mickey Mouse be the rich man who donated a lot of his big coins and Duck was the poor widow who donated its only two small coins. Then I told them that for Mickey, he donated only  some of his money but Duck donated all the coins it had, thus, it had no more money left. To which, Ko cuddled the duck and said, "it is ok" and made a sad face.

4) Later on, they are supposed to put in pics of the things they like after I asked them if they are able to give up their favorite things if they have to. They did not answer that ( I wonder why) but just inserted the pictures. 

Learning points: 
1) God loves a cheerful giver! God sees the heart.
2) Story arrangement and understanding of story for Imm.
3) Finger training through pasting stickers and inserting of coins.
4) Big coins go into big slots and small coins go into small slots.
5) I got to see how sweet Ko is.