Minionful Day at Mac

Tuesday, July 28, 2015 2 Comments A+ a-

We passed by Mac on Sat after we went to Blasters and it turned out to be a minionful day. We couldn't resist, the playground was beckoning to us as we drove past. Thus, we decided to stop there for some coffee (as handling two kids always need the extra caffeine boost) while the kids can play there. And ALSO because WE (the adults) are in lurrvveeeeeeeeeeee with these bah-na-na crazy minions. And we have not even watched the movie. We love how these toys can do martial arts, walk or laugh as they fall down and because of us, the kids love it too...

There is just another two to add to our collection and it will be a minionful family. One Mac meal here costs only 3 bucks. It includes an apple juice, cheeseburger/chicken burger/hamburger/nuggets and fries. This place is not exactly health conscious for kids, which is why I insist on cooking healthily at home. However, when I ordered Happy Meal one day, the burger surprised me with fresh veg (which is not often the case in Singapore), also, the kids don't really eat the burgers, just a handful of fries.

Anyway, back to why we were at Mac - Yes the playground! It was full of big slides but the con was, the kids can just disappear inside and we have to listen out for their screams instead. Nowadays, Imm will bring Ko along and watch out for her but sometimes he will run off himself and we will have to remind him to watch out for Ko. He tries. :) Ko, on the other hand, is much  braver at this age compared to Imm. Maybe because she has big bro looking out for her and is well equipped with a very big voice.

We had three happy meals while we were there, so we had three of the same toys and someone left two of theirs behind... maybe we can have more families.. the members are multiplying.............


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July 28, 2015 at 4:27 PM delete

It was 4 Happy Meals lor

July 31, 2015 at 9:51 PM delete

hahaha.. you are right!!!
