Letters to Immanuel #30 Snow White and Lego Time!

Tuesday, July 14, 2015 0 Comments A+ a-

Dear Imm,

We celebrated Ko's birthday last week. Mummy got the frozen cake theme because you also liked it and both of you will sing "let it go, let it go", much to Daddy and mummy's amusement (and annoyance) Hehe... you took care of your mei mei well, taught her to blew the cake together and was pretty much excited about the whole thing though it was not your birthday. Mummy thought you were a really good sport. You must continue to be happy and excited for your mei mei, celebrate her joys together as if they are your own ok?:)

As mei mei was opening her present, you said you were sad that you didn't have any present. Don't worry, your birthday is coming soon and we will try to make it special for you too!!

We went to watch "Snow White and the 7 Dwarves" lately and you said you liked the witch the most. Soon, you started imitating her and say "apples apples" is the witchy voice cos mummy was doing it too... ahhaha.. oops so mummy is the kid.

You love lego and creation so we dug out our lego during the weekend. You will help me in the beginning and do together but will run off at times. Mummy wish you can sit longer and build bigger creations with me together without you running off... it is better to persevere right? hehe... mummy is trying to cultivate that in you!!

Yay, this was what we completed last week... Hope we can have more fun times like these together!!