Mummy's Time #1 - Of Ciders and Coffees

Friday, July 31, 2015 0 Comments A+ a-

Well, Mummies must enjoy themselves and give themselves a break for working hard right? I am.. especially in this place of nice coffees and ciders... I decided that every end of the month, I shall dedicate a post for Mummy's time (I shall try) and to reminisce about the nice things:)

These are my favorites this month...

1) Hunter's Gold Cider

There are two main brands of cider produced here, Hunters and Savanna Dry. Hunter's Gold was first introduced to South Africa in 1988 as an alternative to beer. Its low alcohol content and refreshing taste just makes the don't-want-to-be-that-alcoholic in me crave almost every other day. Moreover, it is rather cheap here, around R10 a bottle...

2) Freshly Brewed Coffee

My energy boosting drink. It used to be a girlfriend's kind of thing, which I really missed. Doing coffee means lots of catch up, gossip and it just taste so good with good company. When I was younger and had less financial commitments, I would willingly spend $6-$10 in Singapore for a mocha that is of average quality.. however, nowadays, I spend stringently (My hub will go "izzit?") and save the moment for good coffees instead. Moreover, I don't have coffees with friends now in Cape Town so no distraction if the coffee is bad. Coffees to me are not just coffees anymore, they are a type of maturity for the mummy slaving happily away for the family. Thus, this mummy drinks 3 in 1 Old Town coffee in the day (because there is no time while rushing the kids to school) and good quality coffee in the afternoon while the kids are at school. 

This coffee was bought from The Coffee Roasting Company at Lourensford.

This was what is written behind...

Skillfully brewed coffee :
1) Use only 100 % Arabia beans
2) Enjoy within 2 months
3) Re order weekly to ensure optimal flavour
4) Grind fresh. Brew fresh. Serve fresh. BE Passionate!!!

1) Use stale beans - older than 2 months from roasting date.
2) Serve coffee that has been brewed more than 20 mins ago
3) Use dirty equipment - rancid coffee are acrid and bitter
4) Use less than 60 g of coffee per litre
5) Overheat milk over 70 degrees for cappucino
6) Heat coffee over 90 degrees

The freshly brewed and pressed coffee taste just so good... Gentle with a clean finish just like how it is described.