Craft #2 - Bead Vehicles

Tuesday, July 07, 2015 0 Comments A+ a-

I love games that are able to train children's patience and eye-hand coordination. Actually it is also good training for me... prevent 老花眼. Recently, I bought this game and decided to let Immanuel try. It is actually a risk because somehow or another, someone will always accidentally (or deliberately) push the beads all on the floor. Child rearing is indeed a risk-taking activity. Ok, back to activity, it seemed very easy as after putting in the beads, all we have to do is to spray water.

This is him doing the helicopter.. It was not that easy now as he did not complete it in one setting and went away, resulting in Reiko coming and messing up the beads. Thus, he had to do again. And this time he succeeded. Instead of using the pincer thing to grasp the beads, he felt that it was better to use his fingers instead.

After doing, he sprayed water on it. 

The next day, I removed it from the template and the beads managed to stay together. It would be better to turn it over and then spray one more time. On the third day, it would be more firm. This was actually his second attempt. His first attempt was the car below..

One has to be careful not to disturb the piece especially when it is not fully tried. Immanuel tried adjusting the beads, thus no  matter how much I tried to spray water and even use glue after that, the piece just refuse to stick together anymore.