Letter to Reiko #32 Growing in Good Fury

Tuesday, July 21, 2015 0 Comments A+ a-

Dear Reiko,

We played with bubbles last week. You don't really know how to blow bubbles yet and would always just laugh when Kor played with the bubbles. You enjoy watching him a lot. Then you would also try it out yourself.

We went to watch "the 3 little pigs" and you were often scared by the loud music. You would always choose to close your eyes and hide your face in Daddy's clothes. However, you still enjoy it a lot.

We went to Tokara restaurant. We had bread but there wasn't the jam you liked... so mummy asked for jam for you and they had homemade strawberry one! You were so happy and keep dipping your bread inside the jam... smiling and eating away.

This was at the Delicatessen. You didn't want to go up to the Treehouse although Imm keep asking you to.

One thing that struck me this week was how fierce you were!! Mummy was wiping your eye cos there was some food particle and you shouted "don't wipe my eye!" You were so fierce that I think I can remember it for life.. ahha.. in the same way you will also tell Kor "don't put this there!" How come you are so fierce ah? sometimes you can scold Kor and he will cry also... you are such a punky girl. You told Daddy that "I can't balance" when he tried to tip you over when carrying you. And when Mummy teach Kor reading, you will come with the cards and say, "can you read this mummy?" And even though the sentences are pretty long with nearly ten words, you can still repeat after me... hope you will continue to awe us with your language!