Letter to Immanuel #33 Taking Care of Mei Mei Well

Tuesday, July 28, 2015 0 Comments A+ a-

Hi Imm,

You have been a good big bro these days. Thanks to you, Mummy and Daddy gets to sleep in longer on weekends because you will bring Ko to the living room and play. At play areas, you will always hold Koko hand and say "come, come with me", "I bring you go and play ok?". Koko is becoming braver because of you! Is certainly hard to imagine that you were once very timid yourself, always wanting Mummy to come with you to the play area. Now, you go off to a huge play area and come back to us when you had your fun.

Koko is always following you. :)

Mummy tried teaching you time but I think it will take some time for you to get it.. hehe

You like to say things like, "Yesterday I like to eat this, today I don't like"... very frustrating you know... haha..

You also love running to corners and hide from Daddy when he is back.. but you always hide in the same place!! :P

Eating is still difficult as Mummy has to feed you things you don't like to eat. Hope you will be more independent soon!!

Mummy and Daddy were pretty angry with you recently cos you can't do your counting well despite teaching you. Sometimes, Mummy is a bit stressed but I will continue telling myself to let you learn in your own time ok? I have been seeing if I can let you join any art, music, cooking class. I know you really like cooking a lot and always want to sit beside the stove. You always say, "I want to see Mummy cook" and ask me what I add each time. "Add this and this then become what?" You think it is like colour changing right? :)

Daddy and Mummy