Blast Away at Blasters!

Saturday, July 25, 2015 0 Comments A+ a-

Today, we decided to visit an indoor playground called Blasters near Cape Gate. And indeed! It was a blast away session for the kids. 

Upon entering, a lady came and put an electronic tag on the kids. It was so unlike the other indoor playgrounds that we went to. She said that "just in case" they run off. Thumbs up for that cos when I realised it is such a big place, I want to feel assured I can still find my kids at the end of the day.

And I could see why as soon as I stepped further in.

It is indeed heaven for the kids squealing in every corner, jumping away. Some were tossed and turned in big roller containers and were screaming in happiness. 

Initially we went to the area for younger kids so it would be easier for Ko but Imm was soon running off to his own space. Hub and I would always take turns to keep an eye on the kids. For Imm, he was ok but for Ko, we would always make sure she is seen (since this country is not exactly safe for kids). Thus, I followed her around and I felt like I just did a full workout (and felt less guilty about missing my jogs at times). I was unable to count how many times I climbed up and down and I felt grateful for my supple frame, squeezing up and down the stairs meant for kids. This is how I can get these treasured moments of them as well.

Ko would follow Imm wherever he goes.

They would slide down the steps like these...

Sometimes she would climb around herself while Kor disappeared somewhere.

Trying to blast the little rubber balls off.

And being shot at.

The rock climbing wall was behind.

Don't have a tunnel vision in whatever you do.

Yup, the slides were pretty scary, ten times Ko's height?

We were not very hungry as we had a pretty full breakfast. Thus we simply ordered chicken mayo sandwich and a cider (again! We can't live without ciders here :P).

Ko enjoyed the sandwich!

The toilet was pretty spacious with a nice changing table. Sometimes the kids will always want to tag after me so I am always grateful for a little more space to maneuver around. Or else I would always have to try pulling Imm nearer to me before I could shut the door.

Imm could also reach the basin and wash his hands himself.

We stayed for nearly 3 hours and paid R70 for both of them (less than S$10). It is indeed not costly to take a break from our parenthood once in a while.