The Reading Journey - Part 2

Thursday, July 09, 2015 0 Comments A+ a-

As I sieved through the materials to update my journey, I am sometimes taken aback at how far we have come along. Every week, I will plough myself in preparing how to have creative ways to teach him. Some game ideas are listed below.

Next, we did reading of short sentences together. This is from the pink box but you can also make your own short sentences like how I did when I did my games. I will try to use words that I have already taught. Simple sight words like "and", "the" etc was taught during reading activities. Thus, reading might not be a sit down "I teach you" kind of activity. But reinforcement of seeing the same sight words through reading daily is also important.

Then, I also printed books from The Measured Mum, which I found extremely useful. In fact, I printed a lot of the books and bring them out on outings. For example, the children will just flip through the little books in church. In fact, they love reading so much, I always have to bring books along to keep them occupied.

Some games I created to spike interest during initial stage. Bingo game! I will have hub to read the word and we cancel the words as we hear them. Have a list of words ready to read so that no one will win at an early stage. :P I would shout Bingo! very loudly like a mad woman. This is what children like right? Enthusiasm!! :) Remember to play with your kids as though there is no tomorrow.

More of writing and matching activity. Immanuel actually like such matching games. I have tried with other worksheets like matching different furniture to their names/ camping words in the past and he has enjoyed it. I did these activities for words with different vowels in the middle, varying them.

Now we have done various activities and we will get ready for the next stage,