Pretend Play - Being a Doctor

Saturday, July 11, 2015 0 Comments A+ a-

I love going crazy with my ideas of pretend play because there is just so much you can input. I have bought a doctor's kit sometime ago and somehow all the children did was to play around with it (which is ok) but sometimes, I wanted to input extra information and also to input some reality yet fun facts.

So this is a normal doctor's kit.

I am sure children have soft toys and they are good for pretend play. I have loads lying around. The bear and the rabbit used to be mine when I was a kid and I have brought them along to Cape Town.

Now I prepared my flashcards (this is a occupation hazzard from Shichida last time, because I feel it is good to give a storyline). I prepared a thermometer (since my doctor's kit does not have any) , scarf so we could wrap it around the animal feeling cold. Bowls are for putting the capsules and the ziplocks for packing.

Here the story goes:
Rabbit feels sick... we took his temperature and realised it is at 39 degrees! Bear is also feeling cold! "Ah Choo!" He has caught the flu bug!!

We are going to bring them along to see Dr Hippo!! Dr Hippo says that for fever, you must take 2 yellow tablets a day for 2 days. For Flu, you take 1 blue tablet a day for 3 days.

And I got ready my ziplocks with names labelled and the capsules. These are empty capsules which are actually edible but of cos, make sure the kids don't eat them. I know Reiko doesn't. I dyed some blue while leaving the rest transparent yellow.

The children wrapped bear up with the scarf and put the two animals on the stroller. They also got to pack the medicine (but it was a bit tough since they were just 2 years old and 4 years old) Not so interested in counting the medicine but just to pack them quickly. I think they want the animals to recover quickly. I couldn't take much photos because I was busy playing with them but these was what I prepared.

Other ideas: You can go much further to input maths (with the number of capsules) and even common medicine names to put at the ziplock. 

Learnt: taking care of animals - compassion, which I value very much. Simple maths. Finger training in putting medicine in ziplock bags (for Reiko)

That's it!!