Craft #3 Blot Painting

Thursday, July 23, 2015 0 Comments A+ a-

Immanuel just loves to do painting for the sake of it. One day, I left him with some paints and a brush and he showed me this picture after about half an hour later -- so fast?! (time passed quickly when I was having my break) 

And I almost fell over my chair.. I was pretty amazed and asked hub if he felt the same way. He gave me this look

I couldn't capture his face then because it was too fleeting.

This was when he was about 3.5 years old. It looked rather artistic to me! Well, I had always *kinda* lament the fact that I have no artistic blood in me.. haha... but I tell myself that for kids, it is the desire for creativity.. art is not just drawing or colouring but a desire to want to make things appear more beautiful. Right?:) Esp in the eyes of a child, art is about fun in creating beauty!

I was inspired after reading this post about blot painting on I actually tried twice but this was what happened:

Imm started painting his hand green and Ko followed.

I tried a simple blot painting with her and it was pretty nice.

Imm just wanted to do finger painting by creating a nice nature of green. Well, things don't turn out what you want with kids, esp with a 2 year old and 4 year old. 

Ok so second time now.. :) Here is what I prepared:

1) Paper
2) Paints
3) Paper Plates
4) Brushes
5) Rolling pins
6) Old newspapers

First, I lined the table and placed paints on the paper plates. I then equipped them with brushes.

I showed them how I did it first; folded the paper in half, opened it up and used the brush to create the blots on one side. Then I folded the paper again and used a rolling pin to roll over. I proceeded to open the paper again. However, a bit of the paper tore.

Is ok! Now Imm will proceed with his: putting blots on one side of paper..

And then using a rolling pin to roll it over.

His paper also tore though I told him to put bigger blots.. Hmm

I then decide we should use thicker paper cos maybe ours is too thin. We used thin cardboard.. and it was a lot better!

Later, I left the painter to his own devices.... :)

* Thought to self: I will always indulge the kids' love for painting (cos they will pretty much be very quiet) On the other hand, each piece of craft always makes me eager to do more with them the next time! However, it is not so easy cos they are young and I will have to revise some craft work accordingly to their age and help them along. Not everything will turn out well but it is always the journey and not the destination!