Letter to Immanuel #31 Of Obstacles and Naughty Boy Moments

Saturday, July 18, 2015 0 Comments A+ a-

Hi Imm!!

You have certainly become braver and friendlier these days. You will climb obstacles by yourself and I know you are going to be very careful. Mummy knows you always try your best to take care of yourself. In the future, you are going to climb even tougher and bigger obstacles but always know that your family will always be here for you!!! No obstacle is too huge for the willing man also :P

These days when you are angry, you will say things like "I don't want to be your family". When mummy heard it at first, I was shocked, wondering how come you were saying things like that. I hope in future you will understand why  Mummy and Daddy has to scold you, set limits etc. It sounds cliche to say it is for your own good but is true. We hope you can be a good, loving, kind boy who can also set good limits for yourself when there is no one around to discipline you.

When we went to Ratanga last week, you painted your Spiderman face and really love it! This is your half cleaned face.. hehe.. you said you wanted to show your friends on Monday (And Ratanga was on Sat), haha... nowadays you really enjoy showing your friends things in school and sharing with them.

At Franky's Place, you made a new friend AGAIN at the indoor playground. Mummy can't help feeling amazed you get to know people so quickly and enjoy playing so much with boys your age. However, you will still look out for Koko who is playing nearby.

This week, Mummy is sometimes angry with you cos you always demand for things, like more snacks, more TV etc. It can be quite tiring when you whine. I hope you can grow out of it soon. You can be so adorable and funny you know Imm, just don't be suck into your naughty boy moods ok? :)

Mummy and Daddy