Orange Chiffon Cake

Thursday, July 16, 2015 0 Comments A+ a-

I enjoy baking chiffon cakes because of a simple reason: it does not require butter. I hate the washing up and the greasy feeling when it comes to butter. However, I cannot say it is easy because it remains elusive to me. Sometimes, even after you have followed all the steps, it might still not be perfect. Nonetheless, I still like to bake it and can even change the ingrdients a little to make different flavoured chiffon cakes.

3 eggs
100g of Prima cake flour
1 tsp baking powder
100 g castor syugar
75 ml freshly squeezed orange juice
75 ml corn oil
1 tbsp orange est
1/4 tsp cream of tar tar

Of cos there are specific steps to follow in the recipe but this is what I always do: 

1) For this cake, always preheat the oven to 170 degrees first!!! Very important!! No need to line the chiffon cake pan.

2) I will separate the yolks and white like this. After doing each egg, I would transfer yolk to cake mixer bowl and white to my metal tin. I don't do straight away just in case the yolk breaks. This cake is sensitive and might not rise well even with just 1 small drop of yolk.

Whites here.

Yolks here.

3) Whisk eggs with half amount of sugar till yolk is light yellow. Put in zest, oil and juice and mix together.

4) Sift in 1/3 flour each time and mix well before adding the next batch.

5) Done.

6) Use mixer to mix egg white a little before adding in cream of tar tar. Then add in remaining sugar in 3 batches.

7) Till it reaches soft peaks. Do not overbeat them. Mine takes less than a minute but it depends on the speed of your mixer.

8) Gently fold in the whites. Do not press on the whites much but "cut" the mixture as you fold it.

9) Bake for about 45 min. I use aluminium foil to cover the top when top starts to brown after about 20 minutes.

10) Cool the cake pan upside down. I use a funnel.

11) Remove from pan when it is totally cooled down.

There it is!