SAHM - a wise choice?

Friday, July 03, 2015 0 Comments A+ a-

I have often struggled with feelings about being  a stay-at-home mum. No, I didn't feel elated when told that I don't have to work and instead "just" follow my husband to another country and "just" look after the kids. Instead, there was a dull feeling in my heart in the beginning and I wondered over the uncertainty of how I would fit into the labour market in a few years' time (or many years' time).

Yet, I tried to make the best out of circumstances (like how we should always do in life). Which is the reason why being a stay-at-home mum can be even more exhausting than working at a full time job. My husband was posted to London when Immanuel was 18 months and I also see it as a crucial moment to spend as much time with him and also to teach him well. Be it in faith, manners, academic etc. I remembered that when I was working, I have only 1-2 hours a day to spend with him. I also could't prepare any materials to teach him as I was too tired. During weekends, we would go to friends' places for gatherings or go out for meals. Or else, I would have sent him for enrichment classes, which was what most of my friends do since they have no time to teach. Outsourcing is also a good choice as teaching can be a chore especially when the child can "run" away from the mum at home. Yet, I feel purposeful thinking of what I can do for Immanuel and Reiko. Most of all, it is my presence. It is not about the academic knowledge but the little things like manners, faith, love that needs to be practised, emphasized and felt.

I am the type who struggles to be efficient, you might think that a stay at home mum has all the time in the world but I beg to differ. Even with a helper now in Cape Town, I struggle to do the best I can with the little time I have. I do count myself blessed to have a considerable amount of time to myself while the kids are at school but I tell myself to use this time efficiently for their sake, be it in learning, having fun, or meals (as research do take a lot of time!)

And I so want to be there for my children, laughing and enjoying their presence. It is all so worth it and I am enjoying every minute of it. Looking at it through a practical viewpoint,  I know before that it is a good and wise choice to stay home (for exposure and finances) and now I am feeling it in my heart too. :)

This is Immanuel now... making his own 48 piece puzzle.. I am a simply hands on teaching mum cos of my Shichida background. Knowing what other kids can do at this age makes me set expectations for myself to teach my children as well.

This was him at 18 months when we were in London. I often engage him in practical and finger training activities. This is one area which I love to focused on.